~Pamela Henry
Whispers in the
Skirting the edge of
Waiting for a
Crack of
Awareness to
Open and
A new way of
Yes I can are powerful words, however, saying yes to you can be a challenge. Many of us are conditioned to say yes to everyone else, so much so, that when we say no we often feel a deep sense of guilt.
Sometimes saying yes to something you don’t have time for or don’t want to do feels better than the self-reproach you feel when you say no.
Does that ring a bell?
It’s even possible that you may think you’re saying yes to you because you have mastered saying no to others.
The great news is that learning to say yes to you, sans guilt, is a skill you can learn. All you need is a shift in perspective to feel empowered to be true to yourself. When you say yes to you, you set a powerful example for everyone around you to do the same.
Is there something you’ve always wanted to do but you feel you can’t?
If you want to move forward it’s essential to develop a yes I can attitude.
I’ll be honest. It doesn’t happen overnight. Learning to say yes I can is a day to day commitment to consciously choose for you.
There are many reasons you may tell yourself you can’t do this or that. Sometimes it’s a matter of not having enough time. Sometimes it’s a matter of believing that you don’t have what it takes to make your big dreams come true. You may not believe you’re worthy of a magnificent life or some other outdated belief.
Are you comparing yourself to others or feel like you don’t measure up?
Whatever is keeping you stuck in no I can’t, here are 3 powerful ways to start saying yes I can today.
1. Make a commitment to consciously choose.
Every day we make both conscious and sub-conscious choices.
As you go through your day, notice your choices and how they make you feel. If you make a choice that doesn’t feel good, ask yourself what would feel better and make a conscious decision to choose that next time.
Get in the habit of always choosing what makes you feel good.
2. Learn how to shift your perspective.
We live in a world of polarity. No I can’t and yes I can are an ideal example of opposites.
Close your eyes and imagine that “no I can’t” is at one end of a stick and “yes I can” is at the other end.
Which end of the stick are you drawn to?
When you find yourself stuck in a no can do frame of mind, take a moment and refocus on the yes I can end of the stick. Simply shifting your awareness to the opposite end will not only change your perspective but will help you gain confidence in your growing yes I can mindset.
Use this simple visualization anytime you feel stuck in a limited belief.
3. Set healthy boundaries.
My definition of healthy boundaries is when you align yourself with choices that make you feel good and propel you forward on your path.
When you make heart centred choices for you, you’ll notice how much easier your life begins to flow.
If you want to consciously create a magnificent life, nurturing a yes I can attitude is essential. It may be scary at times but it’s worth every step.
I’m not asking you to unrealistically pump yourself up. I know there are days when no I can’t resonates deeply. But if you can begin shifting your focus to the other end of the stick and make new choices to feel better every day, then I promise you, your new life will reveal itself.
Magic happens when you live life with a yes I can mindset!
How will you say yes to you this week? Please let me know by sharing in the comments below or head over to my Facebook page.
With love and gratitude,
What an inspiring post, Pamela. Thanks for sharing.
Thank you for stopping by Marianne!