~Pamela Henry
Can you hear
the stunning silence
of inner peace
just as it infuses each
heartbeat with
aligned, thoughtful
Yes, you
Hidden beneath
layers of disbelief,
moments of clarity
bubble up to the
shades of self
explode in a
symphony of light
as unique expressions of
your souls desire
flow from
All That Is
Surrender to grace
Receive the gift of
Being connected to your true self is essential to living a fulfilled life.
In spite of what’s going on around you, denying your authenticity fails to serve you and the world around you. This pinching off of your real self creates separation from the deep wisdom and power that resides within you.
Your true self is the purest part of you and is most commonly referred to as your soul. This is the calm, centered place where you find connection to your inner wisdom. When you drop your masks and allow yourself to be seen as the unique and beautiful soul you are, life shows up authentically and in alignment with your purpose.
On the other hand, there is the ego self. This is the part of you that gets wrapped up in the drama and frustration of daily life. The ego likes to keep you looking outside of yourself for answers and the approval of others. You may find yourself influenced by people and situations that leave you feeling overwhelmed, stressed, confused or other negative thoughts and behaviors. Whatever these feelings and actions are, they keep you disconnected from your true nature.
Exuding a sense of joy is a reflection of your true self and essential to success in all areas of your life. Authentic self-esteem and self-confidence send a positive message into the world and invite like-minded people and experiences into your life.
I’ve always found that when I’m aligned with my truth, life flows with ease. Aligning with your gifts, talents and abilities is an expression of your authenticity and takes you on a journey down the path of least resistance. And who doesn’t want more of that in their life?
With the new year around the corner, I’ve been thinking about all aspects of my life and asking myself, “Are my plans for the new year aligned with my true self?”
How do you set intentions for the coming year that are in alignment with your true self?
Here are 4 easy steps to create intentions that are in alignment with your true nature. Before you begin, grab your journal, a fresh sheet of paper or open a new word processing document.
1. Get out of your head and into your heart
Set aside a few minutes and sit in a quiet place where you know you won’t be disturbed. Imagine a bubble of white light around you as you let your thoughts go and focus on your breath.
As you become more relaxed, begin to contemplate what you’d like to experience in the coming year. Are there areas of your life that you would like to shift? How do you want to feel physically, emotionally, mentally and energetically? Do you have any dreams that you would like to take off the shelf?
2. Clarify your intentions
How clear are you? When you set intentions, you’re stating a desire and creating a vision of what you would like to accomplish.
As you connect with your desires for the new year, write them down. A simple bullet list is a great place to start. Simply by writing down what you want, you gain clarity and focus which puts the wheels in motion for physical manifestation to occur.
3. Connect with your vision
Imagine what it feels like to create the coming year as you would like it to be. See yourself walking through each experience on your list and feeling as if it has already happened.
4. Deliberately design your future
As you review your list, ask yourself, “Do my desires reflect my true self?” If something feels out of alignment ask, “What would bring my desires into alignment with my true self?” These questions will help you be completely honest with yourself and create intentions that mirror your souls purpose.
Step into your new intentions feeling thankfulness and joy for all that is coming.
Creating powerful intentions sets you up for success in all areas of your life for the coming year and beyond. Magic happens when you are 100% aligned with your true self and believe in your ability to create exactly what you want.
What intentions for the coming year are aligned with your true self? Please let me know by sharing in the comments below or head over to my Facebook page.
With love and gratitude,
Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.