~Pamela Henry
The breath of
Silence infuses the
Very core of my
Being with
Within the depths
Of truth
The Universal heart light
Dispels masked layers
Of awareness
Exposing hidden
Chambers filled with
Secret agendas
Magnificent shades of
Joy everlasting
Pierce the veil
Shadows and light
Become one
Expanding across the
Illusion of time
Resounding in
Sacred harmony
Resting in
Eternal peace.
For many of us, the holidays are a time of celebration and overindulgence. A time of taking care of the needs of those around us as we busy ourselves with all the extra activities and festivities.
For others it’s a time of reflective sadness, remembering loved ones who may have passed away this time of year or who are no longer here to share in the gathering of family and friends.
For some, it’s a time of family drama and stress, including the loss of financial security. Do you find it exhausting trying to keep up with the expectations of yourself and those around you?
And still for others, it’s a time of deep loneliness. Many feel like they’re on the outside looking in as they face spending the season of joy alone.
Whatever your circumstances may bring, treating yourself with loving care is essential to thriving. It’s the key to embracing the peace and joy that are at the heart of the season and to stepping into the new year with energy and purpose.
If you’d like more energy, happiness, tranquility and abundance throughout the holidays and into the new year, all it takes is a shift in your perspective. Just a few simple tips will help you take care of yourself and enjoy the season in a deeper and more calm way.
Here are 5 simple ways to thrive over the holiday season and into the new year.
1. Make your calendar your best friend. This goes for everything from getting enough rest to eating healthy and doing some form of exercise, even if it’s a walk around the block to get some fresh air. These basic needs are usually the first to slide amidst the holiday frenzy.
If you find yourself overwhelmed in spite of your scheduling efforts, it may be time to reassess your holiday priorities, set some clear boundaries and give yourself permission to say no.
2. Say yes to you. When you are at your best, everyone around you benefits. Give yourself permission to let go of the guilt or other negative self-talk. Step back from the madness and ask yourself “What do I want most to experience this holiday season?”
Embrace the value of setting boundaries and make time for yourself. Practice asking for help. Then watch this most wonderful time of the year unfold with more ease and joy.
3. Let go of expectations. Be in the flow of your holiday celebration, whatever it may be. There is a lot of pressure this time of year to have the perfect holiday. The thing is, this creates high ideals that are impossible to attain or maintain. Be gentle with yourself.
4. Moderation rules. There’s no doubt, we’re all at high risk for overindulgence at this time of year. Be it over-spending, over-eating or over-whatever, be aware of the areas where you’re over-consuming. Unless of course, you want to kick off the new year with a detox diet and hefty credit card bill!
5. Indulge in your senses. This is a wonderful way to shift your perspective and minimize overwhelm and stress. Allow yourself to be delighted by the sights, sounds, smells, tastes and touch of holiday bliss.
Take a moment to breathe in the aroma of a scented candle or the delicious smell of holiday baking as it wafts from the oven. Get swept away in your favourite holiday music or sip a hot cup of something while enjoying your favourite movie.
However you spend the season, take care of yourself and make it one that brings you peace and love. Your joy will reflect in everyone around you. The best gift of all.
How do you plan to nurture yourself this holiday season? Please let me know by sharing in the comments below or head over to my Facebook page.
With love and gratitude,
Thanks, Pamela, for the beautiful poem – which touched my heart – and for the wonderful self-care tips! I appreciate them and I appreciate YOU! xox, Reba
Thank you Reba! I’m so happy the poem touched your heart… I appreciate you too! xo
Beautifully stated gentle reminders, be gentle begins with you.
Thank you Natasha. I appreciate you stopping by. xo
Pamela, these are five great tips. For the holidays and for life. That first one, about the calendar: Scheduling my life and living my schedule is the foundation for living a transformed and liberated life. Every day.
Blessed be!
Sue, thank you! Yes, scheduling your life is liberating. I love the way you expressed that! <3