Step Into The Horizon. Shift Your Limited Beliefs

Limited BeliefsStep Into The Horizon

~Pamela Henry

As I travel this road I release the temptation to look behind.

Even as the whispers of the past nip at my heels, I step into the horizon.

I resolve to move forward, allowing myself to embrace the unknown.

My experiences guide me, but they do not define me. I have choice and I create my life with deliberate intent exactly as I desire.

A never ending waterfall of love and abundance fills my being and overflows through every experience that I create.

I am an infinite expression of divine love.

I am blessed. I am grateful.


Do you have limiting beliefs that are preventing you from achieving the success you desire?

Create Your Best Life

Are you so busy planning your future based on your past that you’re not stepping into the infinite choices that are available to you?

Unfortunately, many of us allow our limited beliefs to create repeating patterns in our lives. We may find ourselves stuck in the loop of no money, bad relationships, health issues, excess weight, and many other situations.

There are endless ways in which we sabotage our lives and often we are completely unaware that we’re doing it.

Let me share a story from my life.

I struggle with my weight. I always have, so I always will. (this was my limited belief)

Even though I’ve had many successes with weight loss and achieved my ideal weight several times throughout my life, I have always gained the weight back, often with additional pounds.

I’ve tried every weight loss program out there. Nothing works for me. And even if it does, it’s impossible to maintain my ideal weight.

That’s the story I have recreated around my physical body and like a faithful friend, my excess pounds have always found their way back. With each failure, the pattern became more deeply engrained as this limited belief system grew stronger.

How do you begin to shift your limited beliefs?

Make a conscious decision to create change in your life and become aware of the contrast between what you want and how you feel. This is the key.

I have come to understand that when I say I desire to achieve my ideal weight and then follow by stating the limited belief that no program works for me, I am out of vibrational alignment with what I desire to create.

Or maybe you desire to meet your soul mate, but you continue to focus your attention on the relationships that didn’t work out. This keeps you in the energy of what didn’t work, therefore attracting more of what didn’t work.

It’s in the vibrational alignment of your desires with your beliefs that you begin to shift from your limited beliefs into a life full of possibility.

Instead of focusing on your limited belief, put your attention on what has worked or is working. For example: I began to shift my feelings of frustration and discouragement around my weight by focusing on the successes I’ve had, instead of the feelings of failure.

Keep focused on thoughts that make you feel better. With each thought your vibrational alignment will improve, and you will begin to see your desires manifest.

To learn more about vibrational alignment, I encourage you to pick up a copy of The Amazing Power of Deliberate Intent: Living The Art of Allowing by Esther Hicks and Jerry Hicks.

Let these words fuel you as you make choices to shift the beliefs and behaviors that no longer define or serve you.

With love and gratitude,

    Pamela Henry is a certified law of attraction coach, bestselling co-author of Inspiration for a Woman's Soul: Cultivating Joy and Inspiration for a Woman's Soul: Opening to Gratitude and Grace, forthcoming author of the book and companion music album Your Time To Shine and a singer-songwriter. In her early music career she shared the stage with Jazz Violinist Stephane Grappelli, Petula Clark and others. In addition to performing in concert and on television and radio, she had a top five charted song in Europe.

    Pamela left her music aspirations behind to pursue a career in Interactive Media and Marketing. Coming full circle, she now shares her message of discovering your true self and shining your light, through the written word and song. As a law of attraction coach, she is passionate about helping you live the life you've always dreamed of.

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