~Pamela Henry
Within each heart
A gentle voice beckons
Truth patiently waits to be
Expressed through
Authentic passion
Colours blend on a
Palette of hope
As the Universal breath
To the sound
Of awakening
Blue stars
Dance in
Holographic wonder
As time surrounds each
Perceived moment
Driving us deeper into
Self realization
Illuminating the darkest corners
Of humanity with
Spheres of
Golden light
Neon shades of
Bringing Heaven to
If only we would trust
Ourselves to see
Beyond the illusion.
Self-confidence is essential in all areas of our lives, yet so many of us lack the confidence to create the success we seek.
Most people are drawn to those who embody authentic self-trust and confidence. It feels good to be around someone who knows who they are and achieves what they want. Confident people inspire trust in others and this is key to creating success.
The great news is, self-confidence can be learned. This is true whether you desire to build your own self-confidence or inspire confidence in those around you.
What is Self-Confidence?
Self-confidence comes from believing in your abilities, unique qualities and trusting your judgment.
Confident people are typically more positive. They have a healthy self-esteem that comes from being clear on what they want and following through with what it takes to get there.
Confidence or lack thereof shows up in many different ways. The way you behave, how you speak, what you say and your body language are some of the ways that you exhibit how you feel about yourself.
Someone who is grounded in confidence will show up as a leader, doing what they believe to be true in spite of what others may think. They understand that failure is one step closer to success and take responsibility for their actions.
A self-confident person is self-assured and nurtures a positive mindset. They recognize that our thoughts create our reality, therefore focusing on a clear and positive intention will produce a desired outcome.
Building Self-Confidence
How do you learn to trust yourself, build your self-confidence and move towards the life you dream of?
3 Ways To Develop Self-Confidence
1. Write down some of your top accomplishments.
We often forget about our past accomplishments, but they are powerful in that they remind us of what it feels like to reach our goals.
Ask yourself:
- What did it feel like to commit to these achievements?
- What gifts, talents and abilities did you use to produce your desired outcome?
- How did it feel to accomplish these goals?
- What did it feel like to trust in your ability to achieve what you set out to do?
2. Get clear about your goals and visualize what it will take to get where you want to go.
This begins with getting clear and making deliberate decisions on what really matters to you and what you want to experience in your life.
Most of us set lofty goals and the easiest way to set yourself up for success and build confidence is to start with small and achievable steps.
Try this simple visualization.
- Sit quietly and close your eyes.
- Imagine what it feels like to have already achieved your overarching goal.
- Now imagine what steps it will take to get there. You can flesh out the details later.
- Most importantly, imagine what it will feel like to accomplish each step as you move forward.
- Open your eyes and write down the details of your visualization.
3. Commit to doing what it takes and celebrate your successes.
Make a promise that you will do what it takes to create the magnificent life you deserve.
Doing what it takes could mean developing new skills or pulling yourself up and starting over if things don’t work out exactly as you had hoped.
Stay the course and celebrate your accomplishments, no matter how big or small you perceive them to be. Trust yourself and allow your self-confidence to build and shine in everything you do.
What will you do this week to build your self-confidence? Please let me know by sharing in the comments below or head over to my Facebook page.
With love and gratitude,
Without believing in our-self, there is no confidence. When we are confident we attract more of everything into our experience. Who do we gravitate to? Confident people. We look to them to guide, teach and inspire us. They are considered courageous, bold and fearless. Our Higher Self is all of these things, we are all of these things. When we do not feel confident, reprogramming the areas we feel intimidated by will set us free. Connecting to the love, wisdom and power within will certainly be our best option to building confidence in 2016 and beyond! Great article Pamela!! 🙂
Beautifully said Debra! Self-confidence flows from within. Being honest about where we are experiencing a lack of confidence and shifting those feelings is a powerful way to build confidence moving forward. Thank you for sharing your wisdom! <3
I love this post Pamela! Self-trust and authentic confidence do go hand and hand. Your three steps detailed here, I have used many times myself to build my own confidence. It is about working and healing within. xx
Thank you Lisa! I’m so happy to hear that you’ve used these powerful steps many times to build your confidence. So true, self-trust and authentic confidence do go hand and hand. xo