~Pamela Henry
Let your light shine
Gentle one
Luminous courage
Streams down in a
Loving waterfall
Of radiant compassion
A sea of light
Ever present
Ever patient
Gives birth to
Boundless creation
Get your glow on
Fearless warrior
Shooting beams
Of desire
Into the dark stillness
Love explodes
With each expression in
Crystal blue vibration
Shards of diamond light
Cast out
Shadows of doubt
Flooding the hidden corners
Of resistance
All knowing
Flows through me
And around me
Making its presence known
The unwavering heart of
The ultimate expression
Of love everlasting
Do you remember who you are?
You are the
Pure essence of love.
You are not what your family, friends, colleagues or society have defined you to be. Nor are you confined by the physical boundaries of your body or your age.
You are not what you do or how you do it.
These are all aspects of your personality in this life, but they are not who you truly are.
You are a spark of Creator, Universe, God. You are a precious soul having a human experience and your true nature is loving compassion, joy and exuberant creation.
Even as I write these words I feel my entire being lighten. It’s this feeling of lightness that affirms when you are tapped into who you truly are.
It requires courage to strip away everything you think to be real about yourself and step into your truth.
When you step onto the path of discovering your authentic self, you are in for the ride of your life. Taking off the hats that you’ve accumulated throughout your life can be disorienting. Even more-so, you may feel like your entire world is falling apart as you begin to let go of the thoughts and behaviors that you have always thought were your truth.
Your heart holds the awareness of your true self and it is through your heart center that you connect with your emotions, which are the guideposts to realigning with your authentic voice.
There is no end to the energy field that you are connected to. This powerful connection holds the potential to shift the entirety of how you operate in the world.
Anger, blame, shame, regret, guilt, lack of self esteem and the list goes on, are not who you are. These are the layers of old belief systems that you have learned as you experience life through the eyes of others who operate from these negative repeating patterns. Often you don’t even realize that you are living life from these limited perspectives. This is because you have carried many of these beliefs from the time you were very young.
Embarking on a journey of observation and self reflection requires a brave heart and commitment to know yourself at the deepest level. This may leave those around you feeling uncomfortable as you begin to reclaim your light. Some may not understand your new found self esteem and joyful behavior.
You may find your life changing in ways you would never have imagined as your authentic gifts, talents and abilities reveal or reintroduce themselves. This could show up in an infinite number of ways including a new job, relationship, a new home, new interests, new business, friends and so forth.
The way you’ll know that you are on your authentic path is through how you feel. The joy that you feel when you connect to your inner wisdom is undeniable. There is a lightness of being that feels like you’re walking on clouds. It’s a knowing that all is well in spite of any uncomfortable shifts that may be going on around you. This feeling of positive expectation becomes your way of moving in the world.
Observing your life from this higher perspective allows you to release any density that may be present in your immediate environment. The easiest way that I have found to release resistance is through gratitude.
Gratitude begets gratitude. Place your focus on feeling grateful for one thing and I promise you, it will begin to expand. You will find more things to be grateful for as you focus on the things in your life that bring you positive feelings of gratefulness.
Remembering who you are requires that you surrender the personality you have defined yourself to be, in favor of connecting to your truth.
It all begins with awareness. Begin by paying attention to the way you function in your life. Observe your language, your thoughts and your feelings. Are you judging yourself and others? Choose a more positive outlook. Focus on gratitude. Gratitude will open doors that you never dreamed possible.
Gratitude is key to remembering who you are and shining your light.
What three things in your life bring you positive feelings of gratefulness? Please let me know by sharing in the comments below or head over to my Facebook page.
With love and gratitude,
Very beautiful, Pamela! Our true essence is love. This is a great reminder to all who get caught up in the externals of life. Thank you.
Thank you for your comment Lisa. You’re so right. It’s a great reminder.
Hi Pam ,since I started this journey with you and I start my day and end it with gratitude I have found people smile at me all the time and literally stop me to comment on my appearance!
Thanks so much for your guidance!
Rolanda! You are so welcome and thank you for sharing your experience. I love supporting you on your journey and it’s so much fun for me to witness the magic showing up in your life! You are awesome and inspiring. <3
That full article was so near the mark I could have wrote that about my own life
That’s beautiful Elaine. Thank you.
I love this post, Pamela. Very wise and inspiring. thank you.
Thank you Marianne. I’m so happy it inspired you. <3
Beautiful post, Pamela. The three things that bring me positive feelings of gratefulness are my children and grandsons, my curiosity and ability to find humor in every situation, and the growing relationship with Self and others. Thank you for this wonderful reminder to pause. I gracefully bow my head in gratitude. Much love to you!
Cindy – Thank you for sharing all the wonderful things that bring you positive feelings of gratefulness! Just reading your list put a huge smile on my face 🙂 I gracefully bow my head in gratitude…beautiful. Much love to you too! <3