~Pamela Henry
I dip my pen
Into this well
Of love
Ink flows
Onto the page
Each stroke
Reveals an
Infinite script
As wisdom spills
From the lips of
Dancing on the
Edge of creation
The Omnipresent muse
Imparts a song
Of grace
Notes of everlasting
Peace on earth
Float down from the
Heavenly realms
Expressions of
Long to be birthed
Into lyrical measure
The ink of ages
Connecting hearts across
The Universe.
Therefore, if you want change in any area, it behooves you to use higher vibrating words.
Assessing your personal lexicon and revising it accordingly, supports a positive mindset and begins shifting your life in phenomenal ways.
Words are the cornerstone for your happiness or suffering. By increasing your awareness of your everyday language and by adding more positive words, you can boost your joy, self-confidence and inner peace. Living your life in a positive, fulfilling way requires that you intentionally choose words that support your vibrational alignment with your growth and well being.
Nurturing healthy, expansive relationships depends on the words you use and it begins with you. If you’re wrapped up in negative self-talk, not only will your words and thoughts have a harmful impact on you but they will also adversely affect your relationships on a very deep level.
It’s simple. If you use kind, loving words then you’ll have kind, loving relationships. The opposite is also true. If you use unkind, unloving words, your relationships will reflect the same. I encourage you to tune into your self-dialogue and begin rooting out the negative words that are preventing you from having a successful relationship with yourself and others.
Have you noticed how exhausting it is to be engaged in negative conversations? As you become more aligned with the sounds and feelings of higher vibrational words, you’ll naturally begin to turn negative interactions into more positive ones by responding with affirmative word choices.
The words you use are vital to making a positive first impression. If you’re using high-vibrational words to express yourself, then your first impression will be favorable. Beyond anything else, a dynamic first impression relies on your energy and this is most present in the words you use and the energy behind those words.
Your personal high vibrational lexicon is essential to stepping fully into your life purpose. Love is the highest vibration in the universe and is the essence of your life purpose. When you align with this truth, you begin to understand how choosing life-affirming words are necessary to open up the energy and experience your best life.
I’m not suggesting that you become the language police and begin assessing everything you say from the perspective of good and bad. This is the egos attempt to keep you locked in a lower vibration. What I recommend, is that you create a habit of tapping into the energy of the word or phrase. It’s the vibrational quality of the words that you’re assessing, not whether it’s good or bad.
Here are 3 ways to cultivate awareness and choose higher vibrational words.
As you assess the following examples, tap into how you feel as you read the negative phrase. How does it feel in your body and in your heart? When you express yourself using positive words, notice how you feel lighter and more joyful.
1. Pay attention to negative self-talk
Remember to carefully choose how you describe yourself. Being aware of the words you speak, think or write is necessary to creating the life you want to live.
Feelings of worthlessness and not good enough are often at the root of destructive language. Here are a couple of examples of shifting from a negative belief system into a positive one.
“I’ll never be rich” becomes “I have infinite financial resources to do everything I choose to do in my life”.
“I’ll never find the love of my life” becomes “My ideal soul mate is coming to me now”.
“I don’t deserve this” becomes “The Universe supports me unconditionally to my highest and best good”.
What limited beliefs are you ready to shift? Have fun creating life-affirming statements!
2. Notice any cliches that you use
These are the phrases we habitually speak without awareness of their negative connotation. Here are a couple of cliches from Doreen Virtues book “Angel Words”, and a way to rephrase them in the positive.
“I’m sick and tired of this” becomes “I am ready to change this”.
“Life is hard” becomes “Life is full of opportunities!”
“Lesser of two evils” becomes “The best opportunity presents itself”.
3. How do the people around you express themselves?
Does their language reflect your negative-self talk? Does it mirror limited beliefs or habitual negative thoughts you may be having? How does it make you feel?
As you build your awareness, you’ll notice when your vocabulary is out of alignment with who you truly are. Using life-affirming language will support positive change in your life and your new lexicon will become a habit that ensures your success.
I highly recommend the book “Angel Words” by Doreen and Grant Virtue. It’s a must read if you’re interested in learning more about how to use positive words to create the life you want.
What positive words can you use this week to help create the change you’re asking for? Please let me know by sharing in the comments below or head over to my Facebook page.
With love and gratitude,
What a fabulous blog post, Pamela! ~ This is a topic I talk about often – the energy of words. I majored in journalism and communications, so I fully understand the power of words and the vibrations they carry. It’s amazing how a shift in certain words can change the impact of one’s message. ~ I love the three tips you share – excellent! 🙂
Thanks Tina! So true. It’s amazing how the energy of words impacts the world around and beyond us. It’s a fascinating topic and one worth talking about. Glad you love the tips. 🙂
I love that you are raising awareness about this important facet of manifesting and our communication. I set my intentions for the day each morning and am very conscious of the words I choose. I’m also very aware of the words being used around me. I could be more mindful of the words I use myself. Sometimes I say something that I immediately know is unhelpful or unsupportive. This happens a lot with my 11 year old in the heat of the moment. So I regularly get the opportunity to retract and make amends for my word choices.
I might share the Angel Words book with her. She’s good at helping me “practice” and I think she would appreciate the perspective as well.
Thanks again Pamela. Love, Joni
Joni, I love that you are so aware of the words you choose and also the words being used around you. Angel Words is a fantastic book. I found it fascinating to see the audio waveform comparison of positive vs negative words. Sounds like you and your daughter would have fun exploring this together! Thank you for your awesome comment. <3
I love your post and absolutely agree. It’s amazing what changing our vocabulary can do for our confidence and esteem as well as what we attract in our lives! I love the part about cliches, I will need to pay attention now! 🙂
Thank you for your comment Karen! So true, changing our vocabulary plays a key role in attracting what we want. Glad the cliche tip was helpful. 🙂