~Pamela Henry
Swept up
In a
Vortex of light
This swirling muse
Infuses each
Thought with
Word pictures take
Form as I
Allow the
Infinite web of
Creation to
Captivate my soul
Wrapped in
A tapestry
Of possibility
New vignettes
Reveal themselves
Unlocking the
Hidden treasure
Golden threads
Weave dreams
Across time
In all directions
The heart of creative
Cracks open
With renewed
Crystal blue awareness
Expands the
The very core of our
Connecting us
To the Universe
And beyond.
This post is “Part Two” in a three part series called “Living The Dream”. “Part One” is focused on gaining clarity about what you would like your ideal life to look and feel like. If you haven’t read “Part One”, I would encourage you to do so before continuing. Click here to read “Part One”.
How did you enjoy the scripting process in “Part One”? Did it provide clarity and build excitement around the infinite possibilities available to you?
In this article you’ll learn how to expand your vision and deepen your vibrational connection to it.
As you become clear about what living the dream means for you, there are a couple of things that could happen.
1. You’ll begin to feel your energy align with your dream. In this instance you’ll feel more joy as you connect with your vision and the knowing that it will show up in your experience. You’ll likely begin attracting the right people and circumstances to move you towards what you’re asking for.
2. You may find yourself feeling misaligned with your dream. In this case you may feel excited about your vision but your underlying emotions may be rooted in limited belief systems or negative thought patterns. These could include feelings of unworthiness, not feeling good enough or any number of beliefs that are no longer serving you.
The greatest gift in getting clear about what you want is that clarity shines a light on where you’re blocking yourself. It’s essential to embrace self honesty and meet your outdated belief systems head on in order to shift your energy into alignment with your dreams. Hanging onto your negative thought patterns only serves to keep you stuck.
I’ve learned that clarity and patience are key. Trust that the Universe will deliver everything that’s to your highest and best good in the right time.
How to immerse yourself in the vibration of what you want.
Use the following River of Light Visualization to expand your vision and help you embody a deeper connection with the feeling of living your dream. The Law of Attraction states that like attracts like. Therefore, if you want to create your ideal life, it’s essential to deliberately align your emotions with the vibration of your dreams.
Whether you’re feeling aligned with your vision or you have limited beliefs to release, the next step is to focus on raising your vibration in alignment with your script. During the visualization you’ll have an opportunity to release any old thought patterns that are no longer serving you. If you prefer to listen to the visualization, a recording is posted below.
River of Light Visualization
- Close your eyes. Tune into your breath. Breathe slowly in through your nose and out through your mouth.
- Feel your feet on the floor and imagine a golden ball of light above your head.
- Notice how your breath deepens as this golden ball pours cleansing light down through the top of your head, flowing down your spine and out through the bottom of your feet into the centre of the earth.
- Now imagine that you’re sitting quietly by a gentle flowing river. You can hear the birds sing, smell your favourite flowers and feel the warm sun on your skin.
- In the distance, by the waters edge, you see a boat. Your heart calls you to take the boat out on the water.
- As you walk towards the boat you notice that what you thought was water is a glowing river of light.
- You resonate in awe as your heart opens to the flow of shimmering radiance.
- You move the boat to the rivers edge and as you get into the boat, it effortlessly merges into the stream of light.
- As you become one with the stream, you are aware that everything around you is moving with ease. Any limited beliefs that you may have been holding onto are dissolving into the light.
- You feel a sense of relief as you melt into the essence of pure light, allowing it to penetrate every cell of your body and being.
- You drop deeper into your heart space as the golden light swirls around you.
- As you continue to immerse yourself in this vibrational flow, place your focus on your script. Imagine the detail. What does it look like, feel like, taste like and sound like to be living your dream. Embody these sensations.
- Allow your script to resonate in these high frequencies of love and light, being mindful of any new information that your inner wisdom may bring forth at this time.
- As you focus your intention on manifesting your dream, you now become aware that your ideal life is expanding with the light.
- You continue to feel this expansion as it carries you effortlessly downstream towards the realization of your vision. You’re completely immersed in the brilliance of creating your ideal life.
- Marinate in this vibration for as long as you like. This is the vibration of your dream fulfilled.
- When you’re ready, slowly come back into the room you’re in and open your eyes.
River of Light Visualization audio
As soon as you come out of the visualization, take a few minutes to reflect on your experience and record any new thoughts or feelings in your script. Pay attention to how you feel in your body, mind and spirit. Do you feel more connected to living the dream? Have your limited beliefs shifted? Do you feel lighter?
Getting into the feeling place requires that you get out of your head and into your heart. Your heart is where all your answers reside. It’s in connecting with your heart and your inner knowing that your vibration raises and your dreams manifest.
Next week in “Part Three” of “Living The Dream”, we’ll look at goal setting and how your inner wisdom is essential to creating an action plan that works for you.
How did the River of Light Visualization expand your script? Please let me know by sharing in the comments below or head over to my Facebook page.
Thank you for joining me!
With love and gratitude,
Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.