~Pamela Henry
From within the
Sacred walls
Of desire
A symbiotic flow
Of intention
Takes form
As this focused
Journey of light
Dreams lift
Through portals of
Jumping through
Perceived hoops with
Each step
Unfolds with
As the exploration
Of new realms
Heart centered
Sparks a bonfire of
Infinite possibility
Igniting thought energy
Birthing vibrational
Alignment with
This post is “Part Three” in a three part series called “Living The Dream”. In “Part One”, you gain clarity about what you would like your ideal life to look and feel like. In “Part Two”, you learn how to immerse yourself in the vibration of what you want.
If you haven’t read “Part One” and “Part Two”, I would encourage you to do so before continuing.
Creating goals is essential to realizing your ideal life and living the dream. However, this is only part of the equation. Focused action is where the rubber meets the road.
Unfortunately, the law of attraction has received a bad rap. Many interpret this law to mean that all you have to do is ask and wait for what you want to show up. Asking is essential but it requires clarity, focus, awareness and action to bring what you want to fruition.
Visualization and meditation are powerful because they connect you with your creativity and help you gain clarity on what you want. This first step is important because it opens you to the infinite possibilities that you have to choose from.
In addition, your subconscious can’t tell the difference between something you experience or something you imagine, so it’s essential to maintain focus on what you want as if you already have it. In essence you have already created the experience before it shows up in your physical reality.
What is creating goals with heart?
I’ve come to define goals with heart as intentions that are in alignment with your authentic self and your ideal life. They are the milestones along the way, the guide posts that affirm that you’re moving in the direction of where you want to go.
Beginning with a clear vision of where you’re going is powerful. Starting from the end, so to speak, sets you up for success by providing a point of focus to achieve your goals.
There are infinite opinions on how to get from point A to point B. Finding the method that works for you will lead you to your ultimate success.
Here’s an exercise to clarify your goals, identify next steps and get motivated to achieve your dreams.
Before you begin.
Grab your journal or open a new document in your favourite word processing program.
Connect with the River of Light Visualization that you did in “Part Two”. Tap into your heart and the feeling of already having achieved your goal.
Working with goals is typically approached as a cerebral exercise. By getting out of your head and into your heart, next steps flow from your authentic self, maintaining vibrational alignment with your goal.
Let’s begin.
Imagine that where you currently are is at one end of the spectrum. At the other end is where you are in relation to what you want. What you want to create in your life may include several goals. Use this process independently for each goal.
1. Where are you and where are you going?
At the top left of the page, write “My Current Reality” and at the top right of the page, write “My Goal”. Underneath each heading write down your current reality and your goal. You will already have this information if you did the exercises in the previous two articles.
For example:
- Your current reality may be that you’re receiving $60,000/year and your goal is to achieve $85,000/year.
- Your current reality may be that you’re single and your goal is to meet a life partner.
- Your current reality may be that you weigh 185 pounds and you want to weigh 145 pounds.
2. What exact steps do you need to take to accomplish your goal?
As you look at the distance on the page between where you are and where you want to go, imagine the steps to get there. Some of these steps may have shown up as you did the exercises in the previous two articles.
List the steps that will move you towards your goal. These are the action steps to your success.
3. Determine the “why” behind your goal.
It takes more than discipline to achieve your dreams. Defining your “why” fuels your motivation and keeps you focused on succeeding.
For example:
- You want to increase your salary because you can take your family on a dream vacation.
- You want a life partner because you want to experience the joy of sharing your life with someone.
- You want to release weight because you want to feel healthy and look and feel great in your clothes.
List all the reasons why you want to achieve your goal.
4. Do you have any remaining limiting thoughts or behaviours that are blocking your success?
In The River of Light Visualization in “Part Two”, you released energetic blocks to achieving what you want. Now, take an honest look at your day to day routine and assess where you may be sabotaging your success.
For example:
- You want to increase your salary but you feel unworthy and therefore aren’t actively looking for opportunities.
- You want a new relationship but you have feelings of not being good enough therefore you avoid meeting new people.
- You want to release weight but you feel judged therefore you skip exercise in favour of “treating” yourself to your favourite junk food.
Get vulnerable with yourself. What blocks are you hiding behind?
5. Express gratitude for each step of the way.
Now your goal is clear. You have your action steps, you’ve articulated your “why” and you’ve recognized the blocks that may sabotage your success.
At each step along the way, write down three things or more that you’re grateful for. Gratitude keeps you in allowance and connected to the joy of accomplishing your goals.
What steps are you willing to take this week towards fulfilling your goals? How did you enjoy this three part series?
Please let me know by sharing in the comments below or head over to my Facebook page.
With love and gratitude,
Wow Pamela….you so inspire me and your words resonate right off of the page with my heart. I so appreciate that articulated the steps that it takes to create our dreams as sometimes this is where a lot of us get stuck. Thank you for your uplifting message and for the beautiful light you shine. Blessings
Thank you for your beautiful comment Debra! So true. Having steps to follow can make the difference between moving forward or staying stuck. xo
Great coaching on [wo]manifesting what you say you want. I’m in this stage of manifesting and doing the daily work to move forward:
“Asking is essential but it requires clarity, focus, awareness and action to bring what you want to fruition.”
If you’re NOT inspired after doing the work described above, then you’ll know that your words aren’t in alignment with your truths. If you ARE ready to go after what you want, then you’ll have the foundation to achieve it from here.
Thanks for the methods!
Love the word [wo]manifesting! You make a great point Donna Lynn. If you do the work and you’re not inspired you’ll know you’re not in alignment with your truth. Thank you! xo
Loved the poem at the beginning of the post and your description of how to set and attain goals with heart. I look forward to going back to read parts I and II of this series.
So glad you loved the poem Minette! Thank you for your comment.:)
Such beautiful work Pamela. I would love to have all 3 poems in a collection. There absolutely inspiring as well as the coaching steps you provide for each one. Here’s to “Living the Dream. Creating goals with Heart.”
Thank you Josee! What a great idea to create a collection of the poems. So happy they inspire you. Yes, cheers to “Living The Dream”! xo
Wonderfully inspiring ideas that resonate with my heart. Interestingly enough, I am at major cross roads and beginning the next chapter. Heartfelt is so much more wonderous than forcing. 🙂
Love this…”Heartfelt is so much more wonderous than forcing.” So happy this post inspires you. New chapters are exciting and how awesome that you have so many tools and infinite support! Sending you many blessings as you move forward. xo