Living The Dream. Are You Willing To Do What It Takes?

Part One.

Living The DreamRiver Of Light

~Pamela Henry

Long forgotten
Course through the
Veins of past
Filling the soul of now
With hope
Awakening the river of

My heart
Greets each
Twist and turn with
Harmonious revelation
Carried away
On a tidal wave
Of bliss

Each breath
Mingles with
Heartfelt wonder
A waterfall of golden
Soothes the
Essence of humanity
Gifting relief
To all who desire
To receive
Boundless well-being

Imbibe the river of life
Intoxicate your soul with
Liquid radiance
Cast stones of
Into the ever-expanding
Chasm of desire.


Today’s post is “Part One” in a three part series on “Living The Dream”. Today we’ll look at how to begin creating your ideal life.

Living The DreamAre you living the dream? Are you willing to do whatever it takes to get there?

That’s a big question. Let’s face it, most of us think we’re willing to do what it takes to get where we want to go. There’s a difference however, between saying you’re willing and actually taking the steps to get there.

I came upon a cartoon on twitter recently that simply and brilliantly illustrates this point. The speaker asks his audience, “Who wants change?”. All the hands go up. Then he asks them, “Who wants to change?”. All the hands go down and all eyes shift down to the floor.

In essence, we love the idea of change, however, when it comes to creating change in our familiar lives we resist. Why? Because even though our lives may not be exactly as we would like them to be, they’re familiar. And familiarity keeps us in our cherished comfort zone, whether it’s to our highest good or not.

Saying you’re willing to do whatever it takes is great. However, without clarity, you may find yourself in perpetual inaction. For many of you this statement is the precursor to a list of excuses. I’m willing to do what it takes but I’m too busy, I’m too tired, I’ll get around to it, it’s on my list, I don’t have the skills…fill in the blank. Do any of these sound familiar?

I  used to think I was doing what it takes. I busied myself with lists of tasks and courses that promised to bring the results I thought I wanted. I can tell you from my own experience and the experience of many women I’ve worked with, living the dream all begins with getting clear on what you want.

You’re here to live a joyful, prosperous and successful life and you get to define what that is for you. How awesome is that? Each one of you has the power and inner resources to create the life you came here to live.

Where to begin?

Create a script of what it looks and feels like to be living the dream.

Grab your journal, a piece of paper or open a new word processing document and begin scripting in detail about what your ideal life looks and feels like. Get out of your head, into your heart and allow your stream of consciousness to take you on a journey as you fill the page.

Write from the perspective that you already have what you want. This gets you out of your old stories and helps you create a new reality.

Here are ten questions to help get you started:

  • What are you doing?
  • What do you love about what you’re doing?
  • Who’s with you?
  • Where are you?
  • What are you experiencing?
  • How does it feel in your body?
  • What steps did you take to get there?
  • Are you aligned with what you really want?
  • How would you describe your emotions?
  • What do you want your future to look and feel like?

Being specific will also help you delve deeper and gain clarity about what you want, while building excitement about the abundant possibilities available to you. This gets you into vibrational alignment with your dreams and begins drawing them to you.

Think of your script as a work in progress. Continue to add to it or change it as you further explore what you would like to create. Let it fuel the inspiration behind the design of your ideal life.

Next week in Part Two of “Living The Dream”, I’ll take you through a visualization that will help you expand your vision and raise your vibration in alignment with what you want.

What step are you willing to take this week towards creating the life you desire? Please let me know by sharing in the comments below or head over to my Facebook page.

Thank you for joining me!

With love and gratitude,

    Pamela Henry is a certified law of attraction coach, bestselling co-author of Inspiration for a Woman's Soul: Cultivating Joy and Inspiration for a Woman's Soul: Opening to Gratitude and Grace, forthcoming author of the book and companion music album Your Time To Shine and a singer-songwriter. In her early music career she shared the stage with Jazz Violinist Stephane Grappelli, Petula Clark and others. In addition to performing in concert and on television and radio, she had a top five charted song in Europe.

    Pamela left her music aspirations behind to pursue a career in Interactive Media and Marketing. Coming full circle, she now shares her message of discovering your true self and shining your light, through the written word and song. As a law of attraction coach, she is passionate about helping you live the life you've always dreamed of.

    Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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    12 thoughts on “Living The Dream. Are You Willing To Do What It Takes?

    1. Hi Pamela,

      The power of clarity is so important when it comes to creating the life we truly desire. I love the exercise of describing your perfect day 5 years from now. The more specific and clear, the better. Today my practice is to keep the main thing the main thing. I have serious heart to hearts with myself about who I want to be and what I want to be doing. Each decision I make either brings me closer to my desire or pushes me away from it. I do my best to discern between the two and choose what brings me closer to my desires.


      • Absolutely Peggy! We all have the gift of choice and the one that feels better is always leading us closer to our desires. When I’m unclear about a decision, I visualize what life will feel and look like 5 years (could be shorter or longer time-frames) from now in each scenario. I make my decision based on the future that is aligned with what I want. I’ve found this to be an awesome tool to strengthen and trust my intuition. xoxo

    2. I find it is a dance between stretching beyond my comfort zone and retreating back to the familiar. With compassion, I can accept that I am human and still moving forward. For me, I consult my inner self and the Divine as to where to go next and follow that. I love your questions to gain clarity and can picture that as a visualization tool. Thanks for your post, Pamela!

      • I love the way you described moving beyond your comfort zone Lisa. It’s the awareness of the dance that keeps us moving forward. As we continue to stretch, the familiar expands. So important to have compassion for our humanity. Thank you <3

    3. I keep reminding myself I am doing my best, I take inspired action towards my goals. It is very important to feel the emotion as if you already have attained the goal, as you said. This really helps me add more detail when I picture it, which in turn strengthens the emotion, which helps with more detail, and then stronger feeling of it being real.

    4. Divine timing, as always Peggy 🙂
      This is my biggest challenge – staying focused and having clarity and not letting others thoughts and opinions get me off course.
      In order to move forward I go inward, meditate, ask for divine guidance and then see if it jives with what I THINK I need to do.
      These 10 questions will really help me get into that focused place of doing whatever it takes. Looking forward to part 2…

      • Thank you Paula! I’m with you, staying focused can be a challenge. Going inward is so important to gaining clarity and standing in our own power. Divine guidance will never steer us wrong.<3 So happy these 10 questions will help you get focused on doing whatever it takes! xoxo

    5. How great is it that we have the option of rewriting our ‘script’ anytime? I find value in writing down my dreams, goals and desires, all the while trusting in the fact that we live in an Abundant Universe that supports us in seen and unseen ways. Thoughts, feelings and actions in motion – I’m ready and willing to do what it takes! WooHoo!! 🙂

      • Thank you Debra! Love this sentence… “How great is it that we have the option of rewriting our ‘script’ anytime?” Like you, I find value in writing about what I desire to create. I have so much gratitude to be living in an Abundant Universe that fully supports us! 🙂

    6. Loved your poem Pamela and the tools you shared. I, too, have found that being clear is so important to create and live our dreams. I have also found that feeling what a dream feels like when you’re there is a powerful method of creating it. Thanks for sharing your wisdom Pamela.