Living In Gratitude. How To Surrender To The Moment

GratitudeA Blessed Life

~Pamela Henry

Above the din of
Peace flows
Each memory
In a pool of gratitude

Cherish the good in all things
Let go of petty grievances
Honor your inner silence
Step forward in unwavering faith

Whatever you do
Do it wholeheartedly
Let your gentle spirit shine
Radiate your truth

Be patient
Be kind
Be generous

Laugh more
Celebrate your successes
Love others as you
Love yourself

Give thanks for the gift
Of sharing these
Precious moments

Embrace your blessed life.


Living In GratitudeEach day consists of a series of moments that add up to your lifetime. Your life is precious and living in gratitude is the foundation to creating each moment as you would like it to happen.

If your life isn’t showing up how you would like it to or you’re struggling with your purpose, it may be time to start focusing on what’s going right.

Why? Because when you’re focused on what’s going right, you’re in vibrational alignment with that energy. Simply put, these feel good vibrations draw more wonderful things and experiences to you.

Have you ever noticed how people respond to you when you’re smiling and feeling joyful? Now, think of a time when you may have been feeling irritated or annoyed. How did others respond to you then?

Most of us can relate to the previous example. It perfectly illustrates how your energy creates your experience. Smiles attract more smiles. Or more accurately, the good feeling energy behind your smile attracts more of that same energy to you.

The most radical shifts I’ve experienced have been rooted in gratitude. Taking the perspective of thankfulness helps uncover the blessings in all situations. In other words, gratitude dissolves resistance and results in magnetizing what you would like to attract.

Perspective is a powerful word. As time has gone by, I’ve developed a deeper and more profound understanding of how my mindset impacts everything around me. I’ve learned that by turning my attention to a positive aspect of any situation, I start to feel better immediately which results in a positive outcome.

Gratitude is a state of being. It’s the awareness of the goodness around you that expands as you begin to appreciate the best aspects within each extraordinary moment. Surrendering to the moment connects you into the flow of gratitude and what is presently going on around you.

A Simple Exercise To Tap Into Gratitude

Here’s a simple exercise that will help you surrender to the moment and tap into gratitude immediately. By looking for positive aspects in frustrating or stressful situations you begin to establish new habits of appreciation.

Have you ever been stuck in traffic? Or maybe a long line at the grocery store? These are perfect situations to practice the art of gratitude. Or choose another experience that you find frustrating or causes you anxiety.

If you’re in traffic, turn your attention to appreciating your car that takes you where you want to go. Maybe you’re listening to a playlist and your favorite song comes on. Maybe you drive by your favorite restaurant or a park that you enjoy.

If you’re at the grocery store, give thanks for the food in your basket and the meal you will enjoy later. Maybe you smile at someone and they smile back. Maybe you look out the window and you see a bird fly by or flowers.

The possibilities for thankfulness are infinite. Find something in your immediate environment that evokes gratitude for you and put your focus on that. Notice how much better you feel as your gratitude grows.

Gratitude opens the energy of receiving and turns your frustrations into joyful experiences by placing your focus on better feeling thoughts. The high vibration of thankfulness is your most powerful connection to your inner voice and allows you to hear your guidance with clarity.

It’s not a commitment that takes a lot of time, however it does call for awareness and a desire to create a new outcome. Creating quantum growth in your life requires commitment.

I have found that keeping a gratitude journal is helpful. Over time, your gratitude journal will provide proof of your successes, as your expanding appreciation guides you towards your ideal life and life purpose.

What is one area of your life where you can practice gratitude today? Please let me know by sharing in the comments below or head over to my Facebook page.

With love and gratitude,

    Pamela Henry is a certified law of attraction coach, bestselling co-author of Inspiration for a Woman's Soul: Cultivating Joy and Inspiration for a Woman's Soul: Opening to Gratitude and Grace, forthcoming author of the book and companion music album Your Time To Shine and a singer-songwriter. In her early music career she shared the stage with Jazz Violinist Stephane Grappelli, Petula Clark and others. In addition to performing in concert and on television and radio, she had a top five charted song in Europe.

    Pamela left her music aspirations behind to pursue a career in Interactive Media and Marketing. Coming full circle, she now shares her message of discovering your true self and shining your light, through the written word and song. As a law of attraction coach, she is passionate about helping you live the life you've always dreamed of.

    Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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    6 thoughts on “Living In Gratitude. How To Surrender To The Moment

    1. Excellent article Pamela – love your gratitude exercise. When someone cuts me off in traffic or ‘seems’ to raise my hackles I feel they came across my path to be blessed. They may need an angel to bless them in some way, so I call in an angel to assist their highest and greatest good. That way it’s a win win! You asked about one way I practice gratitude. In the morning I pre-pave my day and before sleep I give thanks for all that came across my path during the day. 🙂

      • I love your gratitude practice Debra! Pre-paving your day and expressing gratitude before sleep keeps you in the flow of thankfulness. It’s the consistency that creates the magic. I agree with you. When someone ‘seems’ to raise your hackles it’s an opportunity to call in an angel and to shine your light to the highest and best good of all. Thank you for stopping by! xo

    2. I so resonated with your post Pamela. I love your statement “gratitude dissolves resistance and results in magnetizing what you would like to attract.” I find when I smile many people smile back at me, and I feel a warm connection. There’s a song I try to sing everyday to lift my spirits and help keep me positive. The lyrics are: “I am so blessed. I am so blessed. I am so grateful for all that I have. I am so blessed. I am so blessed. I am so grateful, I am so blessed.” (can’t remember the song writer). Thanks for sharing your insights and wisdom re gratitude!

      • Thanks for sharing this inspired lyric Pamela…it’s beautiful! Words and music have such a powerful way of lifting our energy no matter what is going on around us. I have had the same experience with smiling. It’s amazing how it can create a connection beyond words. So happy you stopped by! xo