Living In Abundance. The Art Of Giving and Receiving

AbundanceSoul Gifts

~Pamela Henry

The desires
Of a pure heart
Dance in the
Essence of radiant light
As memories of
A peaceful existence
Begin to rise above
Forgotten dreams

A glimmering swirl
Of liquid sapphires
Expand in delight
Bringing soul gifts
Of light and love

This quantum expression of
Transforms the heart
Of humanity
Silencing the
Voices of limitation

Infinity cycles through
The ebb and flow
Of creation
A never-ending tilt-o-whirl
Giving birth to
Eternal abundance.


Living In AbundanceYou have an infinite supply at your fingertips. Everything you need to create the life you’d like to have is within you. Right here. Right now.

So why then do so many people live in a state of lack, believing that it’s impossible to live the life they would like?

We live in a world of polarity. The Law of Polarity, as Christy Whitman describes in her eBook “The 7 Essential Universal Laws”, “Unity is plural at a minimum of two.” Essentially, this means that in polarity there are two opposites of everything which are represented by two extremes of that one thing.

What does this have to do with creating abundance?

Your thoughts create your experience. Your outer world is a direct reflection of what’s going on inside of you. Therefore, if you feel like you’ll never have what you want, then that’s what you’ll get. If you feel gratitude for what you already have, then you’ll receive more of what you want.

In other words, think of it as two ends of the same stick. At one end you have lack and at the other you have abundance. Where are you focusing, on lack or abundance? You have the power to transform anything by changing your perception from one end of the stick to the other.

This shows up in our daily lives. In fact, you’ll likely begin to see it everywhere now that you’re aware of it.

What end of the stick are you focused on? Here are some examples:

  • Why am I not attracting money? Are you focused on having money or on your debt?
  • Why am I not releasing weight? Are you focused on being overweight or creating your ideal body?
  • Why can’t I seem to get ahead in life? Are you focused on your current circumstances of lack or on getting clear on what you would like to create?

Now that you’re able to identify which end of the stick you’re focused on, let’s look at how the art of giving and receiving supports abundance and how you can use this to open the flow in your life.

Heart centred giving and receiving is the key to accessing the never-ending supply of the Universe. Balancing the polarity between giving and receiving connects you to your greatest expression of abundance.

To achieve balance requires giving fully as you’re guided and receiving with joy and gratitude. Just as the inhale and exhale are equally important to sustain life, the balance of giving and receiving are required to experience unlimited abundance.

How do you feel when you give and receive?

Giving without receiving can leave you feeling depleted and exhausted, while on the other hand, receiving only will leave you in a state of not appreciating what you have.

Most of us fall to one end of the stick or the other. Some of you will find it easier to give than to receive and vice versa. Although this delicate balance will vary for each one of you, it’s in finding your own personal balance that you’ll receive your fullest abundance.

How do you find balance? Giving and receiving are all about how you feel.

How does it feel to smile at someone as your eyes meet? Maybe you walk past them on the street, perhaps they bag your groceries or sit next to you on transit. Whatever it is, this simple gift can change the energetic course of someone’s day, if they are willing to receive the happy vibrations that you’re sending their way.

Show your appreciation for yourself and others with a bouquet of flowers or surprise a friend and take them out for dinner or a movie. Send a card just because or call an old friend to catch up.  Energetically gift yourself and others with allowance and acceptance. Share the vibration of love with yourself and everyone you meet.

Receive gifts from others graciously. When you receive joyfully, your genuine response will fill the heart of the person gifting you. The next time someone gives you something, make a commitment to shift your response from “Oh, you shouldn’t have” or “That wasn’t necessary” to something like “Wow, thank you. You’re so thoughtful. I’m so grateful for our friendship” or “What a generous gift, thank you for thinking of me.” Whatever you choose, just let it flow from your heart. This new graceful response will feel wonderful for both of you.

What will you do this week to practice the art of giving and receiving? Please let me know by sharing in the comments below or head over to my Facebook page.

With love and gratitude,

    Pamela Henry is a certified law of attraction coach, bestselling co-author of Inspiration for a Woman's Soul: Cultivating Joy and Inspiration for a Woman's Soul: Opening to Gratitude and Grace, forthcoming author of the book and companion music album Your Time To Shine and a singer-songwriter. In her early music career she shared the stage with Jazz Violinist Stephane Grappelli, Petula Clark and others. In addition to performing in concert and on television and radio, she had a top five charted song in Europe.

    Pamela left her music aspirations behind to pursue a career in Interactive Media and Marketing. Coming full circle, she now shares her message of discovering your true self and shining your light, through the written word and song. As a law of attraction coach, she is passionate about helping you live the life you've always dreamed of.

    Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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    8 thoughts on “Living In Abundance. The Art Of Giving and Receiving

    1. I was just thinking about this subject today Pamela. The grace of giving, gratitude and abundance. When we embrace the abundance (containing the word dance!) that is in the air, the trees, the elements, in us and everywhere present, we are open to receiving. The Universe love to conspire with us. I am dancing in abundance with you! 🙂

    2. Synchronicity! I wrote about this yesterday and posted this morning in an angel card reading on my business page. Spirit wants people to know this message 🙂 I agree to change the energy, look at the other side of the issue. Gratitude often helps me open up to abundance. Thanks for your post.

      • Wow, I love synchronicity! Thank you for your comment Lisa 🙂 Yes, shifting the energy by looking at the other side of the issue is very powerful. When I’m clear on what I want, I find gratitude is the secret sauce to opening up the abundance flow!

    3. There is so much I love about your post! I love your poetry. I love Christy Whitman! I love the Law of Attraction & creating abundance. I love your reminder to receive graciously. While I have always been a giver, I find it hard to receive unexpected gifts as times and have used the “Oh, you shouldn’t have” line. I am now going to be more conscious of just thanking them for their thoughtfulness & generosity! Thanks Pamela!

      • So grateful for your wonderful comments Tae! Receiving graciously is a powerful reminder for many of us and essential when it comes to creating abundance. I’m so happy my post served you! <3