~ Pamela Henry
Light shines
Through the crack in the illusion
The truth of your existence
You are not alone
Deep within you
A longing stirs
You look around for answers
Running down alleys
Dead ends
Start again
Repeating patterns consume you
You ask
Why am I running in circles?
Beauty beneath the layers
Of the essence that you seek
It is right in front of you
Knocking on the door
How can it be
That all this time
Spirit has been right in front of you
Waving in bursts of hope
Holding your sacred dreams
Behind door number one
The mother lode of existence
The answers you seek
Patiently await your awareness
If only you would open your eyes
And fly.
Have you left your most heart felt dreams behind? Is there a stirring inside of you, a restlessness that you find difficult to articulate?
If you’re reading this, you’ve likely reached a point where you feel like something is missing in your life. You may feel a longing to connect with your life purpose, even if you don’t know exactly what that is yet.
Are you are ready to jump in and take the next step towards living your dreams?
Life is a phenomenal journey, full of possibilities. When you acknowledge the stirring of desire within you for something better, your energy shifts and you begin to attract the answers you seek.
How do you begin to discover your life purpose?
The first step is to get real and acknowledge that moving towards your ideal life requires change. Albert Einstein said the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. By his definition, are you at the point of insanity?
Recognizing that change is required and being willing to embrace new ideas and possibilities is essential to bringing your life purpose to light. Pure and simple.
In the exact moment that you ask the question, “what is my life purpose?”, you create a vibrational shift that begins to bring the answer to you. Your job is to recognize the answer when it shows up and follow through with the required action. Being in action is an essential part of the process.
In Michael Losier’s book “The Law of Attraction” he shares a powerful exercise called “I’ve Decided…”
I’ve Decided
This is a powerful tool to take your focus off of lack and place it on the experience you would like to have.
When you say “I’ve decided”, you’re making a stand for what you want and this vibrational shift begins to magnetize it to you. Stating your heart centered decisions out loud, with conviction, sends a powerful message to the Universe that you’re ready to receive.
Try it now. Say “I’ve decided that…”.
- I’ve decided I’m going to discover and commit to my life purpose.
- I’ve decided to create abundance in every area of my life.
- I’ve decided that I’m going to focus on being the best version of myself.
How do you feel when you say “I’ve decided that…?” Do you notice a shift in your energy? Do you feel empowered?
What have you decided?
When you state your decision to create change in your life, you’re announcing to the Universe that you’re no longer willing to settle for things as they are.
You may not receive an answer right away. Depending on your request, the Universe may need to orchestrate a few steps to get you there.
Your answers could show up in an infinite number of ways. A friend may introduce you to a book or a course. You may overhear a conversation. An idea that you had years ago may come flooding back. People from your past may come forward with information that you require. You may be prompted to leave your current job and step into self employment.
Your job is to open your eyes, to be in awareness of what is going on around you and recognize the answers as they lead you towards your fulfilled request.
How do you know when the answer is in front of you?
I was introduced to an acronym that says it all. TRUST. To Rely Upon Spirit Totally.
Trust that the Universe will let you know. If you don’t get it the first time, know that you will be shown again and again until you get it.
The thing is, when something happens and it catches your attention, then it is likely in alignment with what you’re asking for. Take the step that is presented and see where it leads. When next steps present themselves, allow your curiosity to pull you forward.
Over time, as you connect the dots behind you, you will begin to build your confidence as you see that each step is moving you towards your desired result.
What decision can you make that will help you create the life you long for? Please let me know by sharing in the comments below or head over to my Facebook page.
With love and gratitude,
Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.