~ Pamela Henry
Swimming in lavish abundance
Immersed in the ever expanding glow
Of my wish fulfilling jewel
I relax into the arms of All That Is
And feel into my deepest gratitude
This point of stillness
Reveals itself in each moment
A never ending possibility
To connect with the overflowing
Gifts of Creation
The message is clear
Open your heart dear one
You are safe
What are you waiting for?
You are here
Are you ready to
Live your fullest expression
Of Heaven on Earth?
There is beauty in letting go
Shed the old
Make space for the new
Be still
Let go
Just breathe.
Take a deep breath. Slowly let it out.
Your breath is what keeps you in the present and connected to your body and awareness. It feeds every cell, every thought, every chemical reaction and every movement.
Deep breathing raises your vibration. When you operate at a higher vibration you feel lighter and happier and are aligned with your highest good.
Within the breath you experience the sublime in each moment. You begin to release your resistance including all the doubt, worry and other limited belief systems that keep you separated from stepping into the best version of yourself.
When you free yourself from your negative stories, the doors of possibility fling open. Ideas and thoughts show up in new and exciting ways and your creative energy begins to flow freely. This is the beauty of letting go.
So, if you desire to experience the life you’ve always dreamed of having, you must first learn how to slow down and breathe. Learning how to let go of all that is no longer serving you, allows you to welcome the change that will lead you towards what you are asking for.
The best way to reach this place of letting go is through meditation. It is from this prayerful state of deep relaxation that you learn to release your lower vibrational thoughts, in other words your limited beliefs, in favor of better feeling thoughts and your natural, high vibrational state of being.
As you deepen your connection to your breath and tap into the stillness, your relationship with Spirit expands and you begin to hear your inner guidance with more clarity. Setting a clear intention before you meditate will begin to reveal the answers you seek. What would you like to know about your next steps? Ask a clear question before you begin and listen for the answers within the stillness.
Sitting quietly has been a challenging journey for my busy brain. After many starts and stops, I have found that meditating first thing in the morning or last thing before going to sleep works best. At these two particular times of the day your mind is receptive and fully receives what you are focused on at a conscious and sub-conscious level.
The clarity and inspiration that I receive through this prayerful practice continues to expand beyond what I could have imagined. Allowing myself the gift of stillness has been the key to reclaiming my creative power and feeling more joyful.
Over time, going within allows you to release your resistance and experience the beauty of letting go. It is the ultimate gift to yourself and your most powerful ally in creating your ideal life.
7 Easy Steps To Meditate
- Choose a quiet space where you are not likely to be interrupted.
- Sit in a comfortable chair with your back straight and your feet flat on the floor.
- Set a timer for at least 15 minutes or longer. Setting a timer allows you to be fully present without the temptation to look at the clock. Also, if you are new to meditation, you may want to start with less time. Set yourself up for success by committing to a time frame that will allow you to build your practice easily.
- Close your eyes and place your hands on your lap.
- Relax and breathe, take a deep breath slowly into your lungs and gently breath out.
- As thoughts come into your mind, gently release them and bring your attention back to your breath. Be easy with yourself, this can take time. We are used to focusing on our thoughts so this may feel unnatural to you. It may help to count your breaths or listen to the dripping of a faucet or a bird outside your window.
- As your state of meditation deepens you may feel a sense of lightness, yawning, twitches or involuntary movements in your body or other sensations. This is an indication that you have reached a higher vibration and are in a state of allowing and balance.
Make a commitment to yourself. Promise to meditate every day for one week and increase from there. Again, set yourself up for success by choosing a time frame that you can easily commit to.
I hope this information has served you. I would love to know how the practice of meditation has helped you in your life. Please let me know by sharing in the comments below or head over to my Facebook page.
With love and gratitude,
Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.