~Pamela Henry
The labyrinth leads me deeper into myself
As I trust each step forward
I release the density that has wrapped itself around me
All the confusion and helplessness
Dissipates with each breath
The cloud of judgement is lifted
I expand beyond the boundaries of time and space
I feel the unseen
It flows with ease through every cell of my being
Now is the time for presence to lead
Presence of infinite wisdom
To ask questions of truth
What is it?
Where is it?
How do I connect to it?
As I follow my path
I am protected
I am strong
My life is in this moment
I move forward with the knowing
That all is well
I stand in the center of my resistance
I bless my fear and sadness with gratitude as
I watch them drift into the field of oneness
Enveloped in a bubble of joy
I am floating
I lift my heart in song
Big love consumes me
With each step I connect with my deepest self
Each twist, each turn
Leading to the heart of my full experience
The simplicity of who I truly am
The wonder of All That Is.
The labyrinth is a symbol of our inner journey. As you experience this path of no dead ends, you move towards release, acceptance and compassion.
With each step, as you begin to release the distractions of your mind and trust the road before you, it beckons you to connect with your deepest self. This journey is intended to be a meditative and regenerative experience.
I spent the last two weeks of my Mom’s life at the hospital with her. As I roamed the halls, I came upon a sign indicating the direction of “The Labyrinth”. Curious, I followed the signs to an open area with an arbor filled with tables and chairs along one side of the room. In the center of the open area was a circular pattern embedded in the carpet. A labyrinth.
Found in cultures worldwide, this ancient mandala pattern has long been used as a tool for meditation, centering and healing.
A labyrinth has no dead ends, and has only one path that leads to the center and out again. It invites us to a contemplative and calming experience and to trust our path as we surrender to the twists and turns our lives take. With each step we move through our fear, confusion and helplessness towards release, acceptance and compassion. A powerful and welcome experience within the hospital environment.
I sat down at a table under the canopy of green as a young couple entered the room. She was in a hospital gown. As she stood at the entrance of the labyrinth she closed her eyes for a few moments. Then she opened her eyes and began her pilgrimage, proceeding slowly through the turnings until she arrived at the center and began her way back.
Tears filled my eyes as I shared this most profound journey with her.
Two days later I found myself standing at the entrance of that same labyrinth. I closed my eyes as I prepared for my walking meditation.
With each prayerful step, I was aware of my heart opening, as I resolved to release the density of my worry and fear. I arrived at the center of the labyrinth and thoughtfully looked around. The room looked different from this perspective. From this place of stillness I was able to connect to a sense of peace that had eluded me for many weeks. I closed my eyes and allowed my being to expand into the silence.
I opened my eyes and began my journey back, knowing that all is as it is meant to be.
Beyond my meditative experience with the labyrinth, I have come to embrace it as a powerful symbol of my journey in this life.
Just as there is no right or wrong way to walk a labyrinth, there is no right or wrong way to connect with inner peace. Your journey may be reflective or prayerful, lighthearted or playful, serious or introspective.
Enter and follow the path. You will find your own way to your truth. The labyrinth reminds us that although the road is long and winding, we are fully supported. There are no dead ends. Only steps forward.
Thank you for joining me. I would love to hear your comments. Please share them below or on my Facebook page.
With love and gratitude,
Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.