The Key To Success. Increase Your Sense Of Well-Being

Key To SuccessIllusion

~Pamela Henry

Across an ocean of time
Memory ignites
The truth of my
Returning in waves
Broken bonds
Broken trust

Love transcends
My broken heart
Washing away
This fractured sense of self
Like footprints in the sand

This essence of well-being
Swells down through
The crown of knowing
Each breath
Connects the strands of
Life to my very core

My heart expands
In this embrace of infinite love
Standing still
Flying through space
Grounded in the illusion of time.


What does well-being mean to you?

Secret of SuccessHaving a sense of well-being is the magic that opens the door to prosperity in every area of your life. It’s your key to success. In other words, it brings balance to your life as a whole.

When you feel harmony within yourself, you’re aligned with your highest good and what you’re asking for shows up in your outside world. When you connect to this place of vibrational alignment, manifestation can happen very quickly, depending on the size of your request.

When you feel worried, frustrated or stressed, take a moment and re-focus on your well-being. Shifting your mindset from needing something to happen to knowing you have the power to create what you want sends an entirely different message to the Universe.

Consider how the following statements and questions make you feel.

  • “I need to make money to pay my bills.” vs. “How can I create more money today?”
  • “I need a partner who supports and appreciates me.” vs. “How can I create a supportive and appreciative relationship?”
  • “I need a job that inspires me with a team I enjoy working with.” vs. “How can I create an inspired job situation with a team I enjoy working with?”

In each case, asking an open question shifts your perspective. It takes you out of your current loop of needing something to happen and opens your mind to receive new ideas and solutions.

Focusing on a situation or circumstance that feels better can have a positive impact on your well-being. This can be very powerful, because it reminds you of what it feels like to create and receive what you want. When you draw on past positive experiences, they serve as a reminder that you have the ability to create your reality.

For example:

  • Remember a time when money was flowing and you easily paid your bills.
  • Tap into a time when your relationship was loving and you felt connected to your partner.
  • Look back on a job, career or project that was fun and successful.

Really step into the essence of that feeling and trust that you have the power to create that experience again or something even better.

Another way to increase your well-being is to nurture yourself.

Recently I posted the following question on my Facebook page, “What one thing can you do today to nurture yourself?” I received varied responses from a group of phenomenal women who were willing to share their nurturing experiences.

I was inspired by what they shared. Nurturing ranged from enjoying a cup of raw cocoa to meditation and self-kindness to asking for support and power walking.

As I enjoyed reading through the comments, I noticed that each post was about nurturing one of three areas. Mind. Body. Spirit.

Breathe in your nurturing experience fully, whatever it is for you. Smile as you enjoy your flower essence bath or relax in the sun reading a book. Share your nurturing experience with a friend or spend quiet time alone. Take a nap, a beach walk or go to the gym. Maybe your nurturing experience calls you to speak your truth or chant.

Discover new ways to nurture your mind, body and spirit by exploring the following questions. Perhaps one of your nurturing activities could be spending time writing about these four questions in your journal.

  • What can I do today to nurture my mind?
  • What can I do today to nurture my body?
  • What can I do today to nurture my spirit?
  • What can I do today to increase my sense of well-being?

What step can you take today to increase your sense of well being? Please let me know by sharing in the comments below or head over to my Facebook page.

With love and gratitude,

    Pamela Henry is a certified law of attraction coach, bestselling co-author of Inspiration for a Woman's Soul: Cultivating Joy and Inspiration for a Woman's Soul: Opening to Gratitude and Grace, forthcoming author of the book and companion music album Your Time To Shine and a singer-songwriter. In her early music career she shared the stage with Jazz Violinist Stephane Grappelli, Petula Clark and others. In addition to performing in concert and on television and radio, she had a top five charted song in Europe.

    Pamela left her music aspirations behind to pursue a career in Interactive Media and Marketing. Coming full circle, she now shares her message of discovering your true self and shining your light, through the written word and song. As a law of attraction coach, she is passionate about helping you live the life you've always dreamed of.

    Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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    11 thoughts on “The Key To Success. Increase Your Sense Of Well-Being

    1. What a wonderful article Pamela. Our key to success as you say truly is within. Well-being means different things to people. For me it is a body, mind and spirit balance that I work on maintaining daily. Living from the inside out is a big key to happiness and well-being. 🙂

      • Thank you Debra. So true. It is a daily commitment to maintain and expand the balance of our body, mind and spirit. I love how it shows up for each one of us in different ways. 🙂

    2. Love this, Pamela! Indeed everything is connected. We tend to think of the different facets of our lives as separate entities when everything is interdependent. And, yes, I agree, perspective is huge. The difference between, “I have to make more money to pay bills” vs “How can I create more money today?” is monumental. Thank you for this thoughtful post. I will share it with my teen-aged daughters! xo

    3. Absolutely loved this post Pamela…such a succinct piece on well-being and how to create it in your life. Congrats on you new book coming out soon Can’t wait to read and listen the companion music album. Blessings

      • Thank you Debra, so happy you loved the post. Learning how to increase well-being is truly the key to a joyful and successful life. I’m excited to share my book and album, thank you for the congrats <3