~Pamela Henry
Undying love
As sacred shapes
Expand in
Alignment with the
Essence of self
The shedding of old
Take root
I no longer recognize
This new way of being
Feels like a
Unrecognizable beauty
Yet found
Self-love transmutes
Fear into
Contagious well-being
Floats on
Vibrations of gratitude
Caught up in waves
Of grace
By those who
Are ready to
Embrace their
True nature
Love is the vibration from which all creation flows. This vibration, also called infinite love, is the pure essence of who you truly are and is the most profound truth of your existence.
Since the dawn of civilization, humankind has been exploring the meaning of love. Through poetry, art and the discourses of each era, we’ve tried to interpret and understand the significance and expression of love in our lives.
It’s easy to understand why, as a society, we’ve become so confused about the definition of love. It holds a different meaning for each one of us, depending on our unique experience.
The ancient Greeks proposed that love is different feeling states including philia, referring to the affection we feel for close friends; storge, the deep love parents have for their children or family members have for each other; xenia, the care that a host extends to a welcome guest; eros, the passion experienced by lovers; and agape, the purest form of love, often translated to mean “unconditional love” or “love of the soul”.
I would suggest that this last feeling state, agape, is the ultimate expression of all forms of love. It’s when you embrace the healing energy of unconditional love for yourself that your heart opens and shines a light on every aspect of your life.
How do you become separated from the infinite love that you truly are?
In a couple of words, limited beliefs.
Feelings of unworthiness and not good enough are common themes when it comes to experiencing love. From a young age, many of us become rooted in these limited beliefs, be it through our own experiences or inheriting them from our families, society and our culture.
As we learn to listen to others and prioritize their limited opinions over our own, we become disconnected from our inner wisdom. These negative thought patterns become reinforced as we mature and acquire life experiences that support them.
We rarely question our belief systems, even though they are responsible for shaping our perceptions and actions on a subconscious level. With these negative thought patterns blocking our connection to infinite love, we end up wondering if it’s even possible for us.
Needless to say, that unless we’re willing to stop and question our repeating patterns, it’s inevitable that we’ll remain separated from the unconditional love that’s available to each one of us.
How do you lift the scrim and discover the true essence of who you truly are?
This means taking a step back and looking at yourself through the lens of compassion. Self-love is letting go of everything you think you have to “fix” and embracing yourself exactly as you are. When you finally realize that there’s nothing to “fix”, you free yourself to begin truly loving yourself as you love others.
Here’s an exercise to discover the essence of who you truly are.
It’s essential to be patient and gentle with yourself as you begin to heal your heart from the inside out. It can take time to shift a perspective that you’ve been operating from for most of your life.
Many of us have forgotten what unconditional love feels like. In this exercise you’ll use your imagination to connect with feelings of worthiness and self-love and open your heart to receiving new unlimited beliefs.
- Sit quietly. Take three slow, deep breaths.
- Hold out your right hand, palm up. Imagine a ball of golden light sitting comfortably in the center of your palm.
- With your eyes closed, focus your intention on the ball of light and say out loud three times, “I Am Worthy”. As you say these words, feel them resonate within your palm. Feel the vibration grow stronger as you gently project these words into the golden ball.
- When you’re ready, place your palm on your heart center and imagine the ball of light infusing your heart with the words “I Am Worthy”.
- Take three deep breaths into your heart space as you receive this new unlimited belief “I Am Worthy”. Feel the vibration expand throughout your entire body.
- When you’re ready, open your eyes. Notice how you feel.
Repeat the exercise using the words “I Am Love”. Continue with your own affirmations.
Loving yourself is about creating a new awareness and understanding that no matter what your story is, you’ve always been worthy of love. From this shift in perspective, you fully align with infinite love and begin to embrace the phenomenal life that is waiting for you to claim it.
What are you willing to do to increase your self-love this week? Please let me know in the comments below or head over to my Facebook page.
With love and gratitude,
Thank you Barb. <3
What a beautiful exercise! Thank you Pamela, after a hectic morning, I feel lighter and connected to my heart space.
Thank you Lisa! I’m so happy you found the exercise helpful. I love feeling lighter and connected to my heart space. My favorite place to be!
Gosh, Pamela. I love this post! And life truly does transform when we connect to who we really are. And I love the simple exercise you give to help us connect within. Thank you so much for sharing from your heart. ((hugs))
Thank you Shelley! I love this simple exercise too. It’s a powerful way to connect within and to integrate new unlimited beliefs. xo
I love this post and the poem touched my heart. It resonated for me. 💜
Thank you Suzie! Makes my heart sing when my poems resonate. <3
What a beautiful post, Pamela! Love is the fuel for…everything!
Yes it is! Thank you for stopping by Laurie. <3
Beautiful post, Pamela. Your wisdom resonates so deeply and echoes the truth that merges from deep within. I love the exercise you provide to help us open our hearts and embrace ourselves just as we are no matter where we are on our journey of self-discovery. Namaste, my friend.
Thank you Shelley <3 I'm glad you love the exercise. It really is a simple and powerful way to open our hearts and support our self-discovery, no matter where we are on our journey. xo