~Pamela Henry
Waves of joy
Ripple through my being
While the light of truth
Exposes my inner prosperity
I gaze into the future
My vision overflows
With vignettes of creation
As desires put in motion eons ago
Now come into form
My eyes wide open
I understand
All that I have been
Or ever will be
Is in this moment
Angels surround me
In vibrational tones
The music of the spheres
Flowing through me
As I float downstream
Transformation explodes
Everyone and everything tunes in
Receiving the powerful message
Of heart centered being
In this moment
All there is
Is beauty.
Look within. The road lies ahead.
Many years ago someone shared these words with me. At the time, I had no idea what they meant. Now I realize I couldn’t receive the wisdom because I was looking on the outside for the life I desired to create.
When you are clear about what you want and you feel it resonate in your heart, you are tapped into your infinite abundance. Your emotions, in other words your vibration or resonance, are what magnetize your desires to you.
I have learned a lot about perspective these past years. Perspective is a choice. You can choose to feel better and therefore improve your vibration and attract good things to you, or you can choose to feel bad and attract experiences that you don’t want. Which perspective do you choose?
The thing is, sometimes you are not consciously aware of what you are attracting. You may be asking for a beautiful relationship with your ideal soul mate but on a subconscious level you don’t feel you are good enough to have an amazing relationship. Or you may want more money but you may be running a subconscious loop that you are not worthy of having the money you are asking for.
The Universe doesn’t care about the words you use. We live in a vibrational Universe and manifesting what you wish for is a matter of your vibrational alignment. Period.
So, how do you align your words with your vibration so that what you want shows up in physical form in your outside world?
How do you access your infinite abundance?
We each have our own unique experiences, circumstances and limited belief systems. Therefore, the key lies in discovering the unique combination of processes or techniques that will help you delve into your limited beliefs, those thoughts that are blocking you from receiving what you are asking for and turning them into unlimited beliefs so that you attract everything you are asking for.
Changing your life requires a commitment to make new choices.
It means opening yourself to new ideas and acknowledging that if you want change you must find a new way of being in your life. It’s about listening to that inner voice that knows you are here to live a life you love. And you already know what that is.
As you shed your old ways of thinking, you begin to tap into the essence that shines beneath all the layers of doubt and fear. This is where your infinite abundance resides.
When I finally decided to reclaim my creativity and transform my life I had no idea where to start. I found so many of the processes and programs to be “airy fairy” and I could not wrap my head around the language.
That being said, I knew that I required new thoughts and ideas in order to pull myself out of the limited beliefs I was trapped in.
My personal journey began when two things happened. The first thing was being introduced to a program to retrain my brain for success. This was a good point of entry for me because it was based in science. I perceived this to be legitimate.
The second thing was a friend who was completing her training as a Pranic Healer. She opened my eyes to the possibilities of energy healing. This was more of a stretch for me, however, as I opened myself to learning more about the possibilities and started seeing results in myself and those around me, my curiosity grew.
This led to classes and seminars and learning several healing modalities. When I look back over the past few years, I am beyond grateful for the infinite change I have experienced in stepping into who I truly am. This journey has become more joyful and expansive than I could ever have imagined.
Yes, sometimes old thought patterns and reactions are triggered, however, I now have the tools to shift my perspective. Continuing education is important to me so I am always searching out new resources to help expand my journey.
A great resource that I discovered early on is Hay House Publishing. Wherever you are at on your personal development journey, Hay House has something that will help you get to the next awareness. If you are reading this you have likely read Louise Hay, Wayne Dyer and some of their other published authors. They are the largest publisher of personal development information worldwide.
You can explore their vast catalog of books, audios, programs and so much more at Hay House Publishing.
What resources have helped you look within on your personal development journey? I’d love to hear from you below or head over to my Facebook Page.
With love and gratitude,
Pamela thank you for writing this piece. I appreciate that you offer tangible resources for us — I’m not always sure how to shift my perspective, even when I know my mindset needs a shift. Do you also utilize meditations and affirmations for perspective shifts?
Thank you for stopping by Sofia! Having tangible resources that work for you is so important. Yes, I find meditation and affirmations to be powerful tools in creating and maintaining a shift in perspective. Do you use these in your work?
Great post Pamela! Thank you for the reminder that I need to shift perspective when I see myself dipping back into old thought patterns!
Thanks Karen! Always happy to share information that helps you focus on new thought patterns:)
I love this blog and all the wisdom and insight you share Pamela! I totally agree that this personal transformation journey is about getting to know your true self. Having self-nurturing practices to support this process has deepened the meaning of my growth experience and provided me access to my own wisdom and insight in powerful ways. Thank you so much for this blog!
Thank you Kelley! Self-nurturing practices are essential to connecting with our wisdom and getting to know our true self. There are so many wonderful processes to support us on this journey. I’m so happy you love this blog! xo
My experience mirrors yours, Pamela. I know the truth of how changing my thoughts changes my vibration. Everything is energy. As I have learned to keep my vibration high, old patterns vanish and new possibilities are born. This is now my way to live my life.
Thanks for such a provocative article!
Learning to keep your vibration high is definitely the way to live! It works like magic when you begin to shift your old patterns and embrace new possibilities. Thank you for sharing your experience and for your support Laurie! xo