~Pamela Henry
The heart of
A joy bomb
Igniting the
Inner cosmos of
Luminescent shards
Of gratitude
Cut through
Cords of despair
Sparking the
Embodiment of
Inter-dimensional bliss
Fiery particles of
Fly through
Time and space
Targeting the very
Soul of
Bursting into
Flames of
Violet wildfire
Purifying hearts
Of gold
Dancing on
Shimmering embers
Of everlasting
What is a journey to bliss?
I’ve come to define this journey as the steps we take towards consciously creating happiness in our lives. Whatever life brings, we have an opportunity in each moment to focus on joy.
I’m not suggesting that you pretend to be happy when you’re not. Your emotions are your guideposts to navigating through life and it’s important to allow yourself to feel what you’re feeling. If you’re angry, feel angry. If you’re sad, feel sad. Whatever it is, give yourself permission to feel and process your emotions.
The key is to acknowledge that there will be times when you feel less than joyful. Over the course of your life you’ll experience a wide range of situations and emotions. Any number of life circumstances can cause you to become disconnected from the light you truly are.
Begin to look at each emotion as a guidepost to get from where you are to where you want to go. For example, if you’re feeling grief, ask yourself: What would help me feel a little better? Do whatever it takes to move you in the direction of what you want, which in this case, is to feel joy.
When you take responsibility for your own joy, in essence you’re allowing your happiness to grow from within. This can be challenging, because many of us were conditioned from a young age to base our joy on what’s going on around us. Be it our relationships, careers, material desires or the opinions of others, we learned to allow external influences to determine our level of joy.
It’s a profound shift to experience happiness from the inside out. How would it feel to live a joyful life independent of what’s going on around you?
How do you create more joy in your life?
The key is to do more of what brings you joy.
5 Ways To Ignite Your Joy
1. Express Gratitude
Gratitude is your direct connection to joy.
Close your eyes and focus on one thing that you’re thankful for. Do you notice your joy increase as you maintain your attention on gratitude? Continue focusing on things you’re grateful for and feel your joy expand even more.
2. Listen to Music
There’s nothing like listening to your favourite song to lift your spirits. When you need a joy fix, remember to put on your dancing shoes and crank up your favourite tunes!
3. Go for a Nature Walk
Be it a leisurely stroll or a hike, nature has a way of infusing your body and being with joy. Indulge all your senses as you feel Mother Earth beneath each step. Allow any negative feelings to dissolve and transform into joy.
4. Commit to a Meditation Practice
Sitting in silence is a phenomenal way to connect with joy.
Set your timer for 5 minutes to start. Close your eyes and focus on your breath.
On your in breath, imagine breathing in gratitude. Hold that intention for a moment. On your out breath, imagine breathing out joy.
As you cycle through your breath notice how any low vibrational emotions are releasing and your joy is expanding.
5. Laugh More
What makes you laugh? Heartfelt laughter is the quickest way to tap into joy. There’s nothing like a good belly laugh to ease the pain of almost any circumstance.
Mastering the skill of choosing joy will open your heart to perceive the world around you in a new way. Joy, love and gratitude are the highest vibrations in the Universe. Learn how to master these vibrations and watch your life show up in magical ways.
How will you ignite more joy in your life this week? Please let me know by sharing in the comments below or head over to my Facebook page.
With love and gratitude,
Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.