~Pamela Henry
Bathing in a
Radiant reflection of
My inner
Medicine woman
Takes me by the hand
And leads me through
Inner landscapes of
Healing magic
Commanding the
Gentle awareness of
Inter-dimensional well-being
She holds Universal Truth
In all directions of time
Love dispels an ill wind
As she unveils a golden
Vortex of grace
Glorious temples of
Gratitude spin in
Blinding light
Infinite possibilities awaken
Re-igniting my deepest desire
To birth new realities
Inviting humanity to embrace
Renewed hope and
Believe in the miracles that
Live within each moment.
Force, authority and influence are some of the words that are used to describe personal power.
By this definition, personal power is misconstrued as the control that is wielded by anyone who you regard as having power over you. This feeling of being controlled leaves many in a state of perceived powerlessness, feeling like life is a struggle and there is little hope.
Instead of reclaiming personal power and choosing to see life through the lens of possibility, many cling to the familiarity of their outdated belief systems to guide them. Sadly, these habitual ways of being eventually replace the sense of possibility that once existed. As time goes by, negative belief systems cause you to become disconnected from your true self and therefore your personal power.
It’s difficult to connect with inner strength when you allow the world at large to impact the way you feel. Often, in an attempt to survive, we try to control our external environment, further separating us from the truth of who we are. Divine love and light.
As we experience the effects of low self-esteem, we eventually lose belief in ourselves. Do you remember a time when you believed in your heartfelt dreams?
Separation from your true self shows up as imbalances in your life. These could include health, relationship or financial issues, to name a few. Any lack of harmony is an indication that you’re out of alignment with your personal power. Truth is, you are powerful beyond your wildest imagination but somewhere along the line you stopped believing in your super powers.
What is personal power? How does it help you learn how to believe in yourself?
Your soul desires to express itself through your physical personality. When you’re in alignment, all aspects of your life flow with more ease. Believing in yourself is the result of reclaiming your power and trusting your inner voice to lead you on your authentic journey towards your fulfilled purpose.
It takes courage to reclaim your personal power and allow yourself to believe in your dreams once again. Lifting the layers of the life experiences that led you to lose belief in yourself can be difficult and painful.
How To Get Clear and Reclaim Your Personal Power
Reclaiming your personal power begins with getting real about your current circumstances and gaining clarity about what you would like to experience instead. As your clarity sharpens, your connection to personal power strengthens and this fuels the belief that you can achieve whatever you want.
This simple journaling process will help you gain clarity.
- Choose an area of your life that you would like to improve and write it at the top of the page.
- Draw a line down the center of the page.
- In the left column, list everything you don’t like about your current situation in this area of your life.
- When you’re complete, go back to the top of the page and in the right column, beside each item, write down what you would like instead. As you make your way down the right column, pay particular attention to how you’re feeling as compared to how you felt when you were making note of everything you don’t like.
- When you’re finished, use your imagination to write a paragraph or more, in detail, about how you’ll feel when your life reflects your desires. Include what you’ll be doing, who you’re with and where you are. Design your experience exactly as you would like it to be. Get excited and creative!
- When you’re finished writing, re-read what you wrote, feeling the essence of your creation.
- Now close your eyes and soak in the feeling. It’s in creating a clear vision and fully tuning into the emotion of having already achieved your desire that the energy shifts and begins attracting this new experience into your reality.
This is what it feels like to be connected to your personal power!
As you become increasingly clear about what you want, your personal power will expand. Believing that you have infinite possibilities at your fingertips will replace previous feelings of defeat and struggle. Negative self talk will transform into unlimited belief systems and you’ll exude self-confidence.
What will you do this week to step into your personal power? Please let me know by sharing in the comments below or head over to my Facebook page.
With love and gratitude,
Thanks, Pamela for this important discussion. You inspire others to follow their dreams. I believe that personal power resides in the ability to work with what life sends us. This keeps us from being crushed when there are obstacles (there always are!) and enables us to continue following our inspiration! xox, Reba
Great insight, thank you Reba! Being grounded in our personal power helps us move through life’s challenges with more ease. It’s essential to following our inspiration and staying connected to our path. xo
Thank you for sharing this journaling process Pamela. Our power is diminished when we give it away. Taking our power back requires diligence and confidence. Without living in our power we do ourselves and others a disservice. We are here to connect to the love, wisdom and power “within” so we don’t go without! xo
Great points Debra. Shining our light and being of service requires that we fully step into our personal power.”We are here to connect to the love, wisdom and power “within” so we don’t go without!” Beautifully said. <3
Beautiful post Pamela! So true, it takes courage to reclaim our power, but once we do it’s so freeing! Loved the journaling exercise! thanks for sharing your wisdom! 🙂
Thank you Patricia! I love this journaling exercise too. It’s such an effective way to reclaim your power and belief that you can create the life you desire. 🙂
Hi Pamela!
Firstly, can I just say I LOVE love your energy and thoughts here. I could come through the screen and hug you 🙂
Many days I feel like I am already in my Personal Power space….but then there are days when it just zaps out. Those are the days I need to focus on centering back to that power space.
Thank you for these gorgeous thoughts here.
Lots of love and light,
Thank you Zeenat! Hugging you back, I love your energy! So true, there are days when I feel disconnected from my power as well. I find that having a regular practice to connect within keeps me grounded and expands my connection to my personal power. <3