~Pamela Henry
Sun hides behind
This veil of grey
A cool breeze blows
Gently tap on the window
Wake up
Time to let go
My heart responds
Time for a new beginning
I become
Acutely aware
That each moment
Is a letting go of
The moment before
Is this simple truth
The profound awareness
That changes everything?
My inner wisdom invites me
To go deeper
Expand the moment
These words resonate
From the joyful seed
Patiently waiting
To be nourished
From the depths of my soul
The expansion of life
And love and joy
Ever present
If only we would let go
Release the past
Release the future and
Be now
And with these words
A warm glow consumes me
Golden light streaming down
As the grey cover dissolves
The breeze stills
And the rain stops
Its message delivered
And received
In this moment
All there is
Is presence.
Sometimes transforming your life requires big change, however, sometimes a small change is all that’s necessary. It’s often the small changes that add up to your big transformation.
What does your new beginning look like?
Is it moving to another city or country? Maybe it’s a new or improved relationship? Is it a new job? Releasing weight? Getting healthy and fit? Generating more money? Taking your dream vacation? Going on a spiritual retreat? Buying a new wardrobe? Bringing your dreams to life? Giving back in some way?
Maybe you have an overwhelming sense that change is required but you don’t know what it is.
Making a fresh start doesn’t necessarily mean making a drastic change. It could be making more time in your schedule for self care, or choosing to read in lieu of your television habits. It could be reconnecting with old friends or starting that project you always wanted to create.
Five years ago I decided to make a fresh start. I had reached a point where I felt uncertain about my future. Two years had passed since I left my last corporate job and I was still at a loss as to what to do next.
I felt frustrated, angry and embarrassed and it impacted my entire life. From my limited perspective, my best years were behind me.
When I look back on that period of my life, I realize that I had been feeding myself a load of you know what. These limited beliefs ran so deep that even as I decided to make a fresh start, I wasn’t convinced that I could make it happen.
As soon as I committed to my new beginning, the information and teachers started to show up. The moment I opened my mind to the idea that something else was possible, my life started to change in the most phenomenal ways.
It wasn’t like the clouds parted and the sun instantly appeared. Information, programs and teachers started to show up as I was ready to receive the knowledge. Each step unfolded as I learned to let go and trust.
There were many times when I felt like nothing was changing. I would ask myself “Why does everyone around me seem to be experiencing life changing success and I’m not?” Has this happened to you?
In retrospect, I couldn’t have jumped from where I was then to where I am today, anymore than I can jump from where I am now to where I will be ten years from now. Each step presented itself in its own time. Each new awareness showed up at the exact moment I was ready to receive it.
It continues to be a committed journey of embracing new thoughts and ideas and being present to hear my own truth.
Our journey is an unfolding of moments and in that sense, each moment a new beginning. A fresh start, so to speak.
4 Steps To Make A Fresh Start
If you’re ready to step into your new beginning, here are four steps to help set you on your path.
1. Get real with yourself. Transformation is not for the faint of heart. You must be ready to make the commitment to do whatever it takes to create the change you want. This could mean shifting limited belief systems that you’ve been carrying your entire life.
2. Let go and trust. Be willing to release control. This is a difficult one for many of us, including yours truly. Releasing control can feel very uncomfortable, but it opens the door to new experiences and opening this door is the key to your new beginning.
3. Practice patience and allowance. Be gentle with yourself as you embrace new knowledge. Know that each step will show up exactly as it is meant to when you are ready for it.
4. Expand your knowledge. Find a personal development book or program that you resonate with. The Hay House library has provided me with a wealth of resources through the years. If you haven’t already done so, click here to explore Hay House.
What is one thing you can do today to make a fresh start? Please let me know by sharing in the comments below or head over to my Facebook page.
With love and gratitude,
Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.