~Pamela Henry
The bell of
Truth rings
Sacred harmony
Swells on a rim
Of hope
As soul music
Expresses life purpose
Throughout the
Orchestral spheres
The path of
At warp speed
Standing still
This invisible centrifuge
Of desire
Begs for clarity
Why am I
The touch of a
Opens the abyss
A never-ending
Refrain of joy
Finds strength
In gifts that
Through inspired
Portals of
Into each
Soul experience.
Each one of you has gifts, talents and abilities that are unique unto you. By focusing on these strengths, you’re accessing your infinite potential to create an empowered and meaningful life.
Are you focused on your strengths?
Maybe you find yourself paying more attention to your weaknesses, as you navigate a world of competition. Have you been conditioned to believe that you have to “fix” your weaknesses? If either of these scenarios resonate with you, it may be time to shift your focus to the other end of the spectrum and embrace your strengths.
So often we set ourselves up for failure by comparing ourselves to others. Can you relate? Think about it. If each one of us has gifts, talents and abilities that set us uniquely apart from each other, is there such a thing as competition?
Is it possible that competition is distracting you from connecting fully with your strengths and life purpose?
Focusing on your unique capabilities and releasing attachment to competitiveness will help you manifest the fulfilling job, the juicy relationship, the abundant finances and anything else that you desire.
What if your perceived weaknesses are the key to revealing your strengths? Flaws offer a point of contrast. In other words, they show you where you are out of alignment with your talents. What action would bring you into alignment with your true capacities?
When you love what you do, you’re operating from a high vibration which attracts circumstances to you that are in alignment with that vibration. Therefore, discovering your gifts and creating situations where you’re using them more, will expand your life exponentially.
Each one of you came into this world with an abundance of strengths. These gifts and talents are unique to you and it’s your responsibility to unwrap and enjoy them. These are the gifts, talents and abilities that are inherently yours to support you on your life path.
Strength Assessment Exercise
Here are 4 ways to gain clarity on your existing strengths and how to discover new ones. Grab your journal or open a new word processing document and have fun connecting with your unique nature!
1. Acknowledge your gifts, talents and abilities.
It’s crucial to appreciate your strengths. You may be conditioned to believe that acknowledging your gifts is vain but I assure you, celebrating your uniqueness and expressing gratitude creates space for wonderful experiences to present themselves.
Here are some questions to help you get started.
- What are your existing strengths and how do they show up on a daily basis?
- Which ones do you regularly use and which ones would you like to nurture?
- How can you incorporate more of your gifts and talents into your day?
- What are some high points in your life where you used your gifts and experienced a joyful outcome? This could include times when you were recognized for your contribution or it could be quiet inner moments.
- Do you have “secret” strengths that it’s time to share with the world?
Once your entry is complete, close your eyes and say a few words of gratitude for these special abilities that are uniquely yours. Ask that any hidden strengths be revealed to you.
2. Look to your childhood for clues.
As children, we do what comes naturally and our strengths show up without effort. As we get older, we often disconnect from our gifts. By reflecting on your youth, you can often find clues that reveal interests and gifts that you’ve forgotten.
- As a child, how did you express your creativity?
- What were you doing when the hours joyfully flew by?
3. See yourself in a new light.
We all see ourselves in a certain light. A great way to explore your strengths at a deeper level is to become the observer of your life. Let go of who you “think” you are and imagine that you’re someone else watching you move through your daily routine.
- How does it feel to see yourself through different eyes?
- Did you observe any strengths that you were previously unaware of?
- As your observer self, are there any areas in your life where you could be more focused on your strengths as opposed to your perceived weaknesses?
4. Ask your family, friends and colleagues for feedback
Often, those we interact with most frequently see our strengths more clearly than we do. Ask your closest people to share at least three of your strengths. Also, have them share their memories of when you used these gifts and what made those particular circumstances memorable.
This may uncover strengths you’re unaware of. It’s also empowering to receive positive feedback about how your strengths help and inspire others.
Your strengths are your connection to your life purpose and are fundamental to how you express yourself. Ultimately, they’re your keys to success.
What step are you willing to take this week towards embracing your strengths and living an empowered life? Please let me know by sharing in the comments below or head over to my Facebook page.
With love and gratitude,
I can’t love this article enough Pamela. I gave up focusing on my weaknesses a long time ago. I came to the conclusion that I was never going to be an all star at accounting or statistics or skiing or winter sports in general. I took Jack Canfield’s advice and began to focus on my strengths – leadership, mentoring, being a kick ass project manager, writing, teaching…and now I’m diving into speaking 🙂
Fantastic article – shared on FB and tweeted! xxoo
Thank you Peggy! It’s so empowering to acknowledge our weaknesses and move on. This creates so much more space for expanding our strengths and shining our light. I love where this journey is leading you! xo
Beautiful article Pamela and rings true for me. When I started focusing on my strengths instead of my weaknesses I began to create the soulful life I live today. And the bonus is I get to do what I love every day. Thank you
Thank you Debra. So true. Focusing on your strengths opens the door for a deeper connection with your soul purpose. What a gift to do what you love every day! <3
Pamela–I loved, loved, loved your poem! Your post speaks such truth. Thank you!
Thank you Laurie! I appreciate you stopping by. xo
Looking to my childhood for clues is so poignant, as it was a tough one. It took a long time for me to unpack and heal from trauma and find the way to connect to and express my strengths. The good news is that it’s never ever too late.
That’s an awesome point you make Sue. It can take a lot of courage to revisit your childhood and claim your strengths. It’s never too late to heal and move forward on your path. Thank you for your beautiful share. Blessings to you. xo
I love Love love this post and as you have just read my recent post, this is what i have been doing , especially with 3 and 4. Then taking that into account as I plan my way into truly shining my light
Love the poem too hugs xxoo
Thank you Suzie! I always love your comments and the bright light you shine on the world. xo
Pamela, I always love your poetry at the start of every post! Thank you for your exercise on discovering our strengths. I know what they are, but often let self-doubt get in the way. A beautiful reminder to be true to myself.
Tae Lynne, so happy you love the poetry! Thank you. I love the awareness that self-doubt, or any other limiting belief, is the contrast that reminds us to be true to ourselves. xo
love the focus xxx
Thank you Cari. Appreciate you stopping by. <3
Hi, thanks for sharing a very encouraging post. That’s right, focus on our strength, we should really practice to see ourselves in a certain light, that way, we can change things that we observed and do better next time.
Thanks for your comment Sherill:) So true, creating the change we desire depends on how we see ourselves.