How To Get Into The Flow

Get Into The FlowWater, Sweet Water

~ Pamela Henry

Floating on an inter-dimensional ocean of liquid sun
I gaze into the infinite azure beyond

Water, sweet water transports me across the illusion of time
Through space on rivers of ice
Melting all the frozen places
Releasing the depths of my soul

Messages of wisdom flood my awareness
Streaming through a vortex of love
This deluge of inspiration
Soaks me in profound gratitude

Water, sweet water.


Water. The elixir of life. Our most valuable resource. Our most precious reminder to be in the flow.
~Pamela Henry

Get Into The FlowI’m a recovering serial multi-tasker. Like many, I have spent much of my life busy ticking things off my to do list. Always looking at the things yet to be completed and feeling stressed when things are left undone. I’ve missed opportunities to learn, grow and enjoy, all because of my list and the pressure I put on myself to get things done.

I’m not dissing lists. They are a functional tool in organizing my day, however, being in the flow allows me to get things done with more ease. It has sparked my creativity in new and exciting ways and helps me prioritize my tasks and therefore my time.

Three long breaths, in through your nose and out through your mouth can create a profound shift in how you feel. When you focus on your breath it keeps you in the present moment and opens the door to awareness. From this place you begin to interact with the world around you from a place of flow rather than reaction.

How To Get Into The Flow

Recognizing when you’re out of the flow is key. The following 2 short visualizations will take you from how it feels to resist the flow to how it feels when you’re in the flow.

1. How it feels when you’re resisting the flow

Imagine you take a small boat to the middle of a stream. You climb into the boat and you immediately begin to paddle upstream. The water is rushing towards you and instead of allowing the stream to take you downstream with ease, you continue to feverishly paddle against the current. The strength of the current makes it exhausting to continue and you fear you may be taken under.

In this state you are completely unmindful of the beauty around you. The lush greenery, the scent of the forest, the warm sun on your face and the birds singing are invisible to you.

How do you feel in this scenario?

We can become so stuck on our way of doing things that we remain unaware of other possibilities. Letting go and opening to new choices brings us into alignment with the flow that’s going on around us in each moment.

2. How it feels when you’re in the flow

Imagine you’re sitting in the same small boat as above but instead of paddling upstream you let go of the oars and allow the stream to carry you gently downstream. The ease of the stream flowing around you wraps you in a state of calm, peaceful well-being.

In this state you are completely aware of your surroundings and all your senses are heightened by the beauty around you. You breathe in deeply as you listen with your heart and mind. Infinite possibilities fill your awareness as you release control. There’s a slight breeze and the water moving over the stones carries away any remaining resistance into the distance until it is no longer in view.

How do you feel in this scenario?

When you begin to feel like you’re resisting, stop for a few moments. Breathe and re-connect with the feeling of being in the flow. Over time you’ll find yourself more consistently in the flow across all areas of your life.

Where do you need more ease and flow in your life? Please let me know by sharing in the comments below or head over to my Facebook page.

With love and gratitude,

    Pamela Henry is a certified law of attraction coach, bestselling co-author of Inspiration for a Woman's Soul: Cultivating Joy and Inspiration for a Woman's Soul: Opening to Gratitude and Grace, forthcoming author of the book and companion music album Your Time To Shine and a singer-songwriter. In her early music career she shared the stage with Jazz Violinist Stephane Grappelli, Petula Clark and others. In addition to performing in concert and on television and radio, she had a top five charted song in Europe.

    Pamela left her music aspirations behind to pursue a career in Interactive Media and Marketing. Coming full circle, she now shares her message of discovering your true self and shining your light, through the written word and song. As a law of attraction coach, she is passionate about helping you live the life you've always dreamed of.

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