~Pamela Henry
This boundless
Cycle of breath
Present and
On tidal waves of
Simultaneous freedom
Letting go
The depths of
We rise
Breaking through
The surface
Embers of
Diamond light
Burst into
Eternal flames of
And love.
Let’s face it. Fear can be debilitating. We all feel it at some point in our lives and over time, many of us become experts at hiding our fear beneath the layers of our limited beliefs.
You may not even realize that deep rooted fear is preventing you from manifesting what you want. By acknowledging and shifting your negative thought patterns it’s possible to expose and release your feelings of fearfulness.
The truth is, fear is an illusion and it’s only as real as you make it to be. You’re an infinite being of light and as such, you have the power to create anything you want. But first you must change your mindset, release your fear and trust that your higher self has your back.
Fear is your ultimate personal GPS and once you learn how to read it, it will reveal exactly what you need to know to develop a mindset that supports the life you are here to live.
Are you procrastinating or telling yourself stories that stop you from being in action?
Do you ever catch yourself:
- Hiding behind excuses, telling yourself you don’t have enough time, money, skills or talent?
- Comparing yourself to others?
- Feeling unworthy of the success you crave?
- Doubting your value?
- Worrying about what others will think or say?
I remember when I posted my first blog post. I was so nervous about sharing what I had to say that I resisted publishing it for weeks. I told myself so many stories. I worried about what others would think. I worried about being rejected. I worried about choosing the right words and whether what I had to say would be of value and service.
What I’ve learned is that when you speak from your heart there is nothing to fear. Truth is the king pin and as you release the negative layers that reveal your fear, a better and authentic life unfolds.
Here are 5 ways of BEing to break through your fear.
1. BE Honest
Fear is a powerful tool for personal development. By acknowledging and bringing your fear to light, you open the possibility of flipping it on it’s head and choosing to step through it.
When I posted my first blog post I was worried about what others would think, not only about what I had to say but my ability as a writer. When I realized that my worry was rooted in fear of rejection, I was able to take the next step.
2. BE Willing
Once you’ve embraced your fear you must be willing to stretch beyond your comfort zone. This means understanding that the same old patterns will produce the same old results.
You have the power to shift your mindset and make the changes that are required to move forward. You must be willing to take responsibility for you.
When I hit the publish button for my first blog post, I felt like a huge weight was lifted. My fear of rejection didn’t instantly vanish but it was a tangible step forward.
3. BE Gentle
Be gentle with yourself as you step into your fear. You’ve likely carried your self-judgement for a long time and it can feel very uncomfortable to welcome a new way of being. It’s important to remember that what you’re feeling is normal.
4. BE Curious
Questions are the most important tool in shifting your mindset. Becoming your own detective can uncover fear you may not consciously be aware of. Here are a few questions to get you started:
- What is stopping you from moving forward?
- What is the worst thing that could happen if you take action?
- What would you be doing if time and money were no object?
- Are you making excuses so as not to move forward? If so, what are they?
- What do you want so badly that you say you would do anything to make it happen but you’re procrastinating?
5. BE In Action
Taking action is where the rubber meets the road. Now that you have a clear idea of where fear has been holding you back, you understand that you’re the only one who can create the change you want. Say yes to you and take a step forward.
With each step, you will build confidence and eventually your fear will shift into personal power. Literally, all it takes is one step, then another and another.
Learning how to change your mindset and break through your fear is the most important thing you can do to connect with your true self and live the life you’ve always dreamed of.
What step can you take this week to break through your fear? Please let me know by sharing in the comments below or head over to my Facebook page.
With love and gratitude,
Pamela has been my coach for the last year and it was and is the best thing that ever happen to me. Through her coaching I was able to overcome my fear and ask for things in my life I always wanted but was afraid to ask. I have done so again recently and the results are still blowing my mind!
Thank you for going on this journey with me you changed my life to a fantastic one.
Thank you Rolanda! It’s such a pleasure to be on this journey with you. You inspire me! I have watched your life expand is such marvelous ways and it’s because you are willing to do what it takes to move through your fear and fully embrace your greatness. Woo Hoo!!
Great tips on how to move through your fear! Thank you for sharing!
Thank you Karen! I appreciate you stopping by:)
Pamela, I always love reading your posts…they truly soothe my soul! Thank you for the reminders…fear keeps knocking me down, but I keep getting back up!
Thank you for your lovely comment Tae Lynne<3 It warms my heart to know that you love reading my posts. I'm with you, facing your fear means being willing to get back up. xo