~Pamela Henry
Dancing on the edge
Of time
Portals of possibility
Swing open
My heart sighs
A gentle song
All I long to be
Lives on
In this moment
Each move
Twirls in
Breathing life
And love
Into each fulfilled
Of this
Eternal flame.
What does a beautiful life look like to you?
You’re here to live a magnificent life. A life that expresses your gifts and talents and brings you joy that overflows into the lives of those around you.
If you’re not living the life you want, then it’s time to lay the foundation for change. And laying this foundation begins with two steps.
- Acknowledge that change is required to create the life you want
- Get clear on what you want your ideal life to look like.
Recognizing that change is essential to living the life you want is huge. Why? Because it means that you have the courage to embrace transformation. Let’s face it, doing the same old thing produces the same results.
Secondly, it’s essential to get clear about what you want. Most people unconsciously go about their daily routine, never questioning if it’s what they really want. There’s nothing wrong with routine, however without conscious intent you may wake up one day and feel like life is passing you by.
Are you deliberately creating the life you want or are you going through each day on autopilot?
A solid foundation is the key to a successful life. Think about building a house. Would you build your house on sand?
The bedrock for your awesome life is joy and the building blocks are clarity. Without joy and clarity you may as well be building your life in quick sand.
In essence, you are writing a new story. A new story that brings you joy and reflects exactly what you want all aspects of your life to look and feel like, be it your relationships, finances, health or life purpose.
How to get started
Set aside 10 minutes each day for YOU. During this time you’ll begin to focus on getting super clear about what you want and begin writing your new story. Consistency is king. If you really desire to build a beautiful life, it’s essential to make time to do the work.
Begin with one area of your life that you desire change. For the sake of this example let’s choose money.
Draw a line down the centre of a piece of paper. In the left column, starting at the top, list everything that you don’t like about your current financial situation. For example:
1. I never have enough money to pay my bills
2. Money doesn’t come easily to me
3. I can’t afford to take a vacation or do anything I really want.
You get the idea. Next, take each of those old stories and replace them with a new and empowered story. For example:
1. I have an abundance of money to pay my bills
2. I receive money easily and often
3. I always have enough money to buy and do whatever I want.
How does your new story make you feel? Do you feel joyful? Do you feel like change is possible?
As you begin your rewrite, you may find it difficult to believe that change is possible. This is because you’ve been stuck in your old stories for a long time.
If you find it difficult to believe your new stories use the phrase “I’m in the process of…” For example, “I’m in the process of always having enough money to buy whatever I want.” This can feel more realistic when you first begin this exercise.
As you begin to look at your life from a new perspective, over time you’ll begin to embrace your new story and your vibration will lift to reflect this change. And as your vibration begins to raise you’ll find that what you’re asking for begins to show up.
Look at it this way. We want the things we want in our lives because ultimately they bring us joy. When you’re in a state of joy, you’re aligned vibrationally with what you want. In other words, your beautiful life resonates with joy.
What will you do this week to lay the foundation for your beautiful life? Please let me know by sharing in the comments below or head over to my Facebook page.
With love and gratitude,
Love this Pamela and I process I use all the time to get clarity for me and my clients, first learned it from my LOA mentor Michale Losier. It is powerful xxoo
Thank you Suzie! Happy to hear that you use this powerful process all the time. Michael Losier is a wonderful LOA mentor! xo