Behind The Mask. Meet Your Authentic Self

Authentic SelfBehind The Mask

~Pamela Henry

Deep within
A seed of hope
Brings forth
A desire to awaken
Twisted emotions
Of days gone by
Hidden behind the mask of ages
Layers of protection
Filter every moment

Set aside your old masks
Your fear
Your doubt
Your sorrow
Release your web of confusion

Reclaim your childlike innocence
Where crystal clear insight
Reveals itself fully
Drop your mask

Ring the bell of infinite potentiality
Lay your mask on the ground
Watch it dissolve in a swirl of glorious light
Back into the realm of all possibility
All that is meant to be
Step into the light.


Are you hiding behind the mask of limited beliefs?

Authentic SelfJust as the sun shines brightly above the clouds, beyond your old ways of thinking, your authentic self shines.

Your soul desires to create and receive, to express itself through the vibrational essence of love that we all are, behind the mask.

For most of my life I hid my authentic self behind a myriad of metaphorical masks including not worthy or good enough, fear of being seen and I’ll never make it anyway. As I got older, I began to believe that I’m too old to realize my dreams.

I had taken these judgements on as my core operating system and to be honest, I didn’t even realize it until a few years ago when I was introduced to the idea of limited belief systems.

These masks showed up on cue as self sabotage. Whether it was taking the next step in my career or maintaining my ideal body weight, the I’m not good enough and fear of failure loops prevented me from stepping fully into my true voice and taking my success to the next level. The fear of judgement was too great a risk.

The truth is that when we wear these masks, they penetrate our being and separate us not only from ourselves but from Spirit. Behind the masks we are natural, childlike innocence that desires to be set free.

Why do we harbor the fear of connecting with our authentic self when the true essence of who we are is where our best life is waiting to take form?

From the very beginning we take on the thoughts, feelings and emotions of the world around us as our own. We absorb everything, including the negative and positive vibrations of everyone and everything we interact with.

There are as many limited belief systems as there are people. The circumstances of your limited beliefs are unique to you and as you begin to identify them, you have an opportunity to drop the mask and step into your magnificence.

It is your choice to move beyond the entanglement and emotional complexities of your limited beliefs. Allowing yourself to separate from these old roles will help bring a new strength and clarity to your purpose here and now.

How do you recognize your negative behavior patterns and shift them into positive thoughts, feelings and emotions? In other words, how do you drop your mask?

One of the most important aspects is understanding that you always have choice. All the masks we wear are an illusion, the story we tell ourselves about our circumstances or situations.

Here is a short writing exercise to help you determine the beliefs that are limiting you and how to shift them.

1. Awareness.
What obstacle is preventing you from achieving your desire?

2. Limited Belief
What limited belief is stopping you from taking action?

3. Unlimited Belief
What new unlimited belief would you like to replace the old belief with?

4. Daily Activity
How does this new unlimited belief change the way you move through your day? How are you acting differently?
What are your feelings, thoughts, emotions and actions when you are living from this new positive mindset?

5. Inspired Action
What next steps can you take to move toward living this new belief and achieving your desire?

Following this exercise, close your eyes for a couple of minutes and visualize meeting yourself three to five years in the future. Picture meeting your authentic self, free of the old masks. Imagine the confidence, the clarity, the creative power, the joy, the brilliance and love. What does it feel like to step inside your future self?

In embracing the power of choice you will experience the profound shift that comes with creating new unlimited beliefs.

As I dropped my mask, I began to see how the whole picture fits together. How every choice I’ve ever made has led me down this road of recovery. Recovery from the limited belief systems that almost destroyed my desire to thrive.

What masks are you hiding behind? Please let me know by sharing in the comments below or head over to my Facebook page.

With love and gratitude,

    Pamela Henry is a certified law of attraction coach, bestselling co-author of Inspiration for a Woman's Soul: Cultivating Joy and Inspiration for a Woman's Soul: Opening to Gratitude and Grace, forthcoming author of the book and companion music album Your Time To Shine and a singer-songwriter. In her early music career she shared the stage with Jazz Violinist Stephane Grappelli, Petula Clark and others. In addition to performing in concert and on television and radio, she had a top five charted song in Europe.

    Pamela left her music aspirations behind to pursue a career in Interactive Media and Marketing. Coming full circle, she now shares her message of discovering your true self and shining your light, through the written word and song. As a law of attraction coach, she is passionate about helping you live the life you've always dreamed of.

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