A New Perspective. Unwrap The Gifts In Letting Go

How To Let GoA New Groove

~Pamela Henry

Behind the haze
Of my forgotten dreams
This energetic ball and chain
Is ready to release

A new perspective
Reaching out from
Behind the shadows
Of what was

The path ahead
Sparkles in shades
Of my deepest desires
Beckoning me to
Take the first step

I hesitate
I ponder the road behind
The twists
The turns
The journey that
Defines who I am
Or does it?

Here in this
No mans land
Of indecision
I take another
Cleansing breath
And another
And another

My inner wisdom
Takes me gently
By the hand
And guides me onto
The dance floor
Of oneness
This new perspective
Leading me towards
The path of least
With ease

I can do this
Yes, I can do this

A smile lights up the path ahead
With clarity
I embrace a new outlook
And with a sigh of relief
I allow each memory
That led me to this moment
To accompany me
Arm in arm
My dance partner
In this new dance
Of the life
I came to live
Moving as one
This new groove.


A New PerspectiveLetting go of limited belief systems and expectations may be the biggest hurdles you face as you take steps towards creating your best life.

These behaviors and judgements begin to take root in your sub-conscious from the time you’re very young. Eventually they become the default drivers of your life experience, defining to a greater or lesser degree how you operate in this reality, including who you believe you are and whether or not you’re aligned with your authentic path.

How do limited beliefs show up in your life?

Here are some examples of the resistance that could be separating you from receiving what you desire.

Perhaps you’re convinced that you’ll never meet your ideal partner, have enough money or realize your big dreams. Maybe you have feelings of unworthiness or believe that you have to work really hard to get what you want.

Do you have fear of releasing the past or blame yourself and others when things aren’t going according to plan? There are an infinite number of ways that we create limitation in our lives.

In other words, when you release your old ways of thinking, you open the energy that invites the Universe to deliver what you’re asking for.

The Universe is patiently waiting to bring you something even better than what you’re requesting, but you must be willing to detach and trust that it will be delivered. If you allow the Universe to deliver the essence of what you want, it will always over deliver and often in a way that is completely unexpected.

You can define the essence of what you want by using your imagination to tap into how you’ll feel when you receive what it is that you’re asking for. Will you feel joy, peace, success, security, freedom? Something else?

There’s a misconception that letting go means you have to forget your past. It’s not about forgetting your past experiences, but rather a point of releasing the energy that keeps you mired in the negativity of your past experiences. In other words, shifting your perspective in order to receive a new possibility.

Trying to forget your challenges creates resistance, because let’s face it, your experiences are a part of your journey. Your struggles are there to help you move forward but because they’ve been with you for some time, you may find it difficult to see another option.

It’s really just looking at your situation from a different angle, telling yourself a new story. After all, limited beliefs and judgements are simply stories we’ve told ourselves repeatedly, therefore establishing them as our truth. That’s good news. It means you have the power to create a new story. A story that opens the energy to receive the gifts you’ve been asking for.

Here’s an example of taking a new perspective.

Imagine that you’ve been pursuing your dream for years and you feel completely discouraged.

You may say to yourself: “I’ve tried everything, nothing is working, I don’t know what else to do. I don’t know why I can’t make this happen. What’s wrong with me? My family has struggled for generations so I guess this is true for me too.”

How does that statement feel? Probably not too good, right?

In this scenario you’re telling the Universe that nothing is working, so based on the law of deliberate creation you are getting exactly what you’re asking for. Nothing is working. So, how could you change your perspective and open up the energy in this situation?

You could say, for example:

  • I wonder what other opportunities there are to manifest my dream?
  • Is there someone I haven’t met or connected with that can help me?
  • My ancestors didn’t have the opportunities that I have.
  • Every day people around the world are making their dreams come true and so can I.
  • I trust that the Universe will over deliver in the exact right time.
  • I am in the process of making my dreams come true.
  • What else do I need to know?

Can you feel the energy begin to open up as you ask questions that help you create a new perspective?

Letting go is like unwrapping gifts. What if the gifts you open are even better than what you asked for?

What new perspective would change your life? Please let me know by sharing in the comments below or head over to my Facebook page.

With love and gratitude,

    Pamela Henry is a certified law of attraction coach, bestselling co-author of Inspiration for a Woman's Soul: Cultivating Joy and Inspiration for a Woman's Soul: Opening to Gratitude and Grace, forthcoming author of the book and companion music album Your Time To Shine and a singer-songwriter. In her early music career she shared the stage with Jazz Violinist Stephane Grappelli, Petula Clark and others. In addition to performing in concert and on television and radio, she had a top five charted song in Europe.

    Pamela left her music aspirations behind to pursue a career in Interactive Media and Marketing. Coming full circle, she now shares her message of discovering your true self and shining your light, through the written word and song. As a law of attraction coach, she is passionate about helping you live the life you've always dreamed of.

    Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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    14 thoughts on “A New Perspective. Unwrap The Gifts In Letting Go

    1. Such a beautiful perspective on the past and “letting go” of it!
      Great truths and affirmations here. Thank you.
      “Every day people around the world are making their dreams come true and so can I. I trust that the Universe will deliver in the exact right time. I am in the process of making my dreams come true.”

    2. First, kudos for such a beautiful cover! Appreciating this question, “Letting go is like unwrapping gifts. What if the gifts you open are even better than what you asked for?”

    3. Such a great post Pamela. Absolutely love the poem. There are many great insights here. I particularly like the idea “you have the power to create a new story. A story that opens the energy to receive the gifts you’ve been asking for.” So much truth in this. Thanks a million.

      • Thank you Josee. So happy you love the poem. <3 Yes, so much truth in the idea that we have the power to receive the life we want by creating a new story. It's all about getting into the energy of what we're asking for. So powerful!