~Pamela Henry
In this moment of relief
I give thanks
My dreams are now
Polished and shining
In vibrational alignment
Ready to jump off
The cliffs of my desire
As the wind picks up
Beneath the wings of every wish
I have ever whispered
I trust that
This leap of knowing
Is a reflection of my intention
That which I have chosen
Is in front of me
This loving presence
Of Angel’s breath
Painting the here and now
With colors of gratitude
And awe.
What are you grateful for?
When you focus on what you’re grateful for, your vibration raises and attracts more good things to you. In other words, what you focus on expands. This is the profound power of gratitude.
Focusing your thoughts on thankfulness can be a subtle yet powerful shift. That being said, it can be difficult to feel grateful when you’re deeply rooted in belief systems and ways of thinking that are not serving your highest good.
If you really want to live a life that you love, then it’s essential to nip those low vibrations in the bud. One of the easiest ways to pivot, is to place your attention on the things you’re grateful for.
I’ve discovered that when I tap into the feeling of gratitude, everything changes. It’s when you feel a sense of gratitude throughout your entire being that your powerful transformation takes place. You may have heard the expression: Where your attention goes, your energy flows.
I have so much to be thankful for, however, there have been times when I’ve allowed circumstances to derail me. Times when I didn’t feel grateful. Times when I preferred to wallow in self pity. Know what I mean?
Cultivating thankfulness is as easy as remembering a time when you felt deep gratitude. Focus on what it felt like to be in that state of appreciation. This is the conscious awareness that opens the door to creating the joyful life you want to live.
Gratitude Meditation
Here’s a meditation to help you expand your attitude of gratitude.
Sit comfortably with your feet on the floor.
Set a timer for 10 minutes.
Start the timer and close your eyes.
Think of one thing you are grateful for. Resist the temptation to think of more than one thing. This will only distract you from being present.
Now, as you think about this one thing, imagine it as a small glowing ball of golden light in your heart center.
If you are diverted by other thoughts, acknowledge them, let them go and return to the one point of gratitude that you’re focused on.
As you focus on thankfulness, imagine the golden light beginning to become larger. Allow it to expand beyond your body, noticing how that feels. Continue to imagine this glowing ball of golden light expanding beyond your neighborhood, your city, your country and the planet.
How does it feel as your gratitude expands into the Universe and beyond the stars?
As you feel into the expansiveness take a deep, slow breath into your heart center. Slowly let it out. Take another breath. Slowly let it out. Continue to breathe and expand, maintaining your focus on gratitude until your timer dings.
Slowly open your eyes and without thinking write down at least ten more things that you are thankful for. Do this from stream of consciousness allowing your gratitude to flow on to the page.
You may be surprised by what shows up on your list from this quiet place of relaxation.
This is how you receive the abundance you’re asking for.
Make a commitment to yourself to do this meditation every day for thirty days and see what shows up in your life. The key is to focus on a different thing that you are grateful for each day. This creates an expanding awareness of gratitude in your life and attracts more of what you’re asking for.
Keep track of your thoughts and successes in a note book or start a Gratitude Journal. This will help you track the changes that show up over the course of your thirty day commitment.
How has the power of gratitude has changed your life? Please leave a comment below or head over to my Facebook page.
With love and gratitude,
Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.