Transform Your Life. Three Magic Questions

Transform Your LifeBe You

~Pamela Henry

Be you
In all your magnificent splendor
Bring your gifts of grace
Elegance overflowing
Expansive brilliance
There is no one else like you
I repeat
There is no one else like you

Crack open your heart
Pure vulnerability
Vibrational alignment
Share the energies of healing
Teach the magic of believing
Sparkle with truth
Now and always
Be you.


Personal TransformationDo you desire to transform your life? Maybe you want more joy, more success, a new home or relationship. What else?

What needs to change so that you can have the experience you would like to have? Or more precisely, how would it feel to have the experience you desire?

Your emotions are your signposts to gaining clarity and creating the life that you would like to live. Learning how to read these signs will reveal the map you require to create a life that is distinctly you.

Throughout our lives we acquire limited belief systems. As we continue to tell ourselves these stories they become the false beliefs that block us from stepping into our ultimate transformation.

Do you believe life is hard? Perhaps you have feelings of unworthiness or not good enough. You may say, “It’s impossible to always be happy.” Do you blame others for your sad and stressful circumstances? Do you feel dreams don’t come true? These are all examples of ways we prevent ourselves from stepping into our magnificence.

So, what if all of your limitations and stories were the keys to knowing what you really want? What if your pain is your biggest teacher?

Let me explain. When you know what you don’t want, it’s an opportunity to define what you do want. Really soak that in.

Three Magic Questions

When a situation arises that brings up a negative emotion, stop and ask yourself these three magic questions:

  1. What do I want?
  2. Why do I want it?
  3. How do I want to feel?

Why do I call these the three magic questions? Because they focus your awareness on what you do want so that magic can show up in your life. You’ll be amazed by what shows up when you begin to recognize and shift your negative thoughts and behaviors. And it can happen instantaneously.

For example: You are stuck in traffic and running late for an appointment. You say to yourself “I don’t want to be stuck in traffic”.

The first thing is to be aware that you are in this negative state. Remember that we live in an inclusion based Universe so what you focus on attracts more of the same.

Here’s how to shift into a better feeling, positive place. Your self dialogue may go something like this:

“What do I want?”
I want the traffic to move.

“Why do I want it?”
Because I want to get to my appointment on time.

“How do I want to feel?”
I want to feel relaxed and joyful.

In this basic example, you can begin to see how simple and powerful these questions are. Choosing how you would like to feel in each moment is freedom. This is how you learn to bring yourself into vibrational alignment with joy and manifest your desires.

For the next week commit to this exercise. Each day journal your thoughts and feelings about what you experience when you ask these three magic questions.

As you begin to gain clarity on what you do want, notice how you begin to see yourself and your life differently. Are you becoming more aware of those areas in your life that are no longer serving your well-being? As you step into the best version of yourself you will easily attract new possibilities into your experience.

Committing to this exercise will take you from where you are now towards where you want to be. You are a beautiful soul and as the layers of your limited beliefs lift, your life will change in magical ways.

Treat yourself with kindness and allowance. Forgive past transgressions and remember that you have the power to create new belief systems that support your well-being and your ideal life. Be patient as you make new choices. You have likely been carrying around your negative patterns for a long time. Know that it is possible to shift these repeating patterns into new beliefs.

Through experience we learn how to integrate the theoretical into the practical. By asking yourself the three magic questions, you’re learning how to shift your emotional blocks and reclaim your joy. Your best life manifests when you’re in a feeling state of joy and peace in this moment, while being excited about the possibilities that lie ahead.

How will the three magic questions help you achieve the change you’re asking for? Please let me know by sharing in the comments below or head over to my Facebook page.

With love and gratitude,

    Pamela Henry is a certified law of attraction coach, bestselling co-author of Inspiration for a Woman's Soul: Cultivating Joy and Inspiration for a Woman's Soul: Opening to Gratitude and Grace, forthcoming author of the book and companion music album Your Time To Shine and a singer-songwriter. In her early music career she shared the stage with Jazz Violinist Stephane Grappelli, Petula Clark and others. In addition to performing in concert and on television and radio, she had a top five charted song in Europe.

    Pamela left her music aspirations behind to pursue a career in Interactive Media and Marketing. Coming full circle, she now shares her message of discovering your true self and shining your light, through the written word and song. As a law of attraction coach, she is passionate about helping you live the life you've always dreamed of.

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