Passion. How To Discover Your Heart’s True Desire

PassionOne True Desire

~Pamela Henry

My heart listens
To songs of passion
Floating on
A gentle wind
Purple flames crackle
As the layers of
Discord release

My soul now at ease
In flow with Universal
Truth meets
Enthusiastic creation
Bringing dreams
Expanding the realm of

I rest in
This stream of change
Birthing rhapsodies
Of harmonic alignment
Where shades of neon
And glitter
Sparkle in twilight
My muse unleashed
Revealing my one
True desire

Hearts DesireDo you love your life or do you feel like something’s missing? Is there something you’ve always had a burning desire to create but you’ve buried it beneath the layers of your day to day routine and responsibilities?

Until you get real about your life, it’s difficult to gain clarity about how to create change and move forward.

Anyone can claim their heart’s desire and create powerful change. By taking a step back and assessing your life, it’s possible to reconnect with your passion or possibly reveal it for the first time.

It takes courage to stand in self honesty. Even though the truth may be painful, keeping it hidden can hurt even more.

What is your pain point? Are you suppressing your heart’s true desire beneath fear of failure? Do you feel unworthy or not good enough? Do you feel discouraged because you don’t know what your passion is? Are you struggling with other past trauma?

Whatever pain you’re carrying, owning your truth and working through your discomfort will not only help you move towards the life you want but you’ll inspire others to do the same. The thing is, your suffering will continue to exist as long as you deny your truth. Only you have the power to shift your pain point.

Each one of you has unique gifts, talents and abilities. You’ll always know you’re aligned with your passion when your life feels exuberant and connected to your innate distinctive qualities. When everything around you reflects your authentic joy.

If you look beyond the roles that you play on a daily basis, you’ll discover the essence of your spirit. You are pure light with gifts and talents that are a gift to the world.

When you step into your light and reclaim your heart’s true desire, we all benefit. Understanding this one simple truth, allows you to begin aligning with your passion.

Here’s an exercise to help you connect with your heart’s true desire.

Have your journal handy for step 3. If you don’t keep a journal, this would be a good time to start. Capturing your thoughts on paper or in a word processing program is very powerful and will help you dig deeper into your passion. If you have any questions on journaling, read my article here.

1. Find a self nurturing space.
Choose a special place where you feel calm and centered. If you don’t have a place in mind, your first step is to find a place where you can go that makes you feel calm and relaxed. Maybe it’s in nature or perhaps you choose to create a quiet space in your home. Whatever it is, it’s important to find a place where you feel peaceful. When you’ve found your space, schedule some time alone for quiet reflection. Aim for 15 minutes to start and increase from there.

2. Sit quietly in self reflection.
Listen to your breath and feel your heart. Begin to recognize the peaceful beating of your heart and the connection to your higher self. This is the natural rhythm of your existence. Allow your mind to drift and imagine any negative thoughts floating away in a bubble.

3. Discover your passion through self inquiry.
This is where you get real with yourself. Continue to focus on your breath and ask silently for your heart’s desire to come into your awareness. Ask the following questions silently and record your insights in your journal.

What do I love to do more than anything else? In other words what brings you joy? We often find clues to discovering our deepest passion in our childhood. For example, I used to spend hours singing along to my Mom’s records.

What are my inherent gifts, talents and abilities? What do you enjoy doing that when you do it the time flies by?

4. Continue self discovery.
Ponder the following questions. Add your own questions and write down your thoughts in your journal. Continue journaling as you delve deeper into your life’s passion.

How does your life currently reflect your passion?
What changes are required to bring more of your heart’s desire into your life?

Your heart’s true desire is waiting to burst.  Claim your passion and watch the miracles unfold.

What action can you take to step more fully into your passion this week? Please let me know by sharing in the comments below or head over to my Facebook page.

With love and gratitude,

    Pamela Henry is a certified law of attraction coach, bestselling co-author of Inspiration for a Woman's Soul: Cultivating Joy and Inspiration for a Woman's Soul: Opening to Gratitude and Grace, forthcoming author of the book and companion music album Your Time To Shine and a singer-songwriter. In her early music career she shared the stage with Jazz Violinist Stephane Grappelli, Petula Clark and others. In addition to performing in concert and on television and radio, she had a top five charted song in Europe.

    Pamela left her music aspirations behind to pursue a career in Interactive Media and Marketing. Coming full circle, she now shares her message of discovering your true self and shining your light, through the written word and song. As a law of attraction coach, she is passionate about helping you live the life you've always dreamed of.

    Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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    10 thoughts on “Passion. How To Discover Your Heart’s True Desire

    1. Pamela
      As always your poem touches my heart! I also love the empowering tips you shared here especially #2 Sit quietly in self reflection.

      Creating time or silence and reflection has been one of the most powerful transformational tools that I’ve used to quiet mind chatter and tune into my soul’s whispers!


      • Linda, Thank you, so grateful my poetry touches your heart <3 Creating time for quiet reflection truly is one of, if not the most powerful transformational gift we can give ourselves. The connection to our unique brilliance! xoxo

    2. So much to love about this post! Your poetry moved me straight into my heart 🙂 the steps you’ve outlined are precious and so accurate. so many women are looking to finding their passion and live it, and I feel this process would be so valuable for them. Much love xo

      • Thank you Puja. I’m so honored that my poetry moved you.<3 Yes, a valuable process for those seeking their passion. So powerful to have simple processes that support self discovery! xoxo

    3. “You’re pure light with gifts and talents that are a gift to the world. When you step into your light and reclaim your heart’s true desire, we all benefit.” I’m going to make this my mantra and affirmation — I’ve been struggling mightily with believing in my ability to bring forth my calling recently. Thanks for these terrific words of encouragement!

      • You’re most welcome Kathleen! I’m so happy these words support you. Consistent self reflection and journaling are a catalyst for profound transformation. Let your beautiful light shine! xoxo