Inner Strength. How to Embrace Your Highest Potential

Inner StrengthBlissful Unknown

~Pamela Henry

Deep within the heart
Of each being
A vast creative force is
Waiting to be unleashed
A longing to live with purpose
Unlocks forbidden dreams

Beneath this
Island of shifting sand
Time and space
Revealing truth
To all who search for
The key to
Everlasting freedom

Infinite strength
And courage
Dangle before our
Inner eyes
Eager to lead
The charge into the
Blissful unknown

This golden grid
Of love and light
Floods the stage
Of our innermost desires
With clarity
Bringing into form
Heaven on Earth.


Do you see yourself as courageous and strong?

Inner PeaceIt takes courage to reclaim your inner strength, release victim-hood and commit to being the best version of yourself. You have a strength within you, that not only promises a joyful life, but holds the power to create anything you’re asking for.

Are you willing to uncover and release belief systems that have defined you your entire life? Only when you begin looking beneath the layers of your pain do you begin to see the light of your purpose and reclaim the strength that has always existed within you.

Do you see yourself in the highest light?

Your inner strength is your rock in the stream. It’s that place inside where you stand in truth. This is where you’re unflappable and trust your intuition to bring you everything you need to know in any given situation. This includes the thoughts and words that are required to speak your truth.

Embracing your highest potential springs forth from your well of inner strength. When you’re clear and strong in who you are and what your purpose is, your highest potential expresses itself in everything you do and say. In other words, expressing your life purpose becomes a playground of possibility.

Imagine what it would be like to live without complaint or blame of anyone, anything or any situation. The infinite strength within you supports your every desire and as you allow it to shine, powerful shifts will begin to happen.

As you begin to reveal your highest potential, the world around you will begin to change. This may show up in any area of your life, including new job opportunities, improved health, new like-minded friends and more. Possibilities that support your highest well-being will flow towards you.

This could mean a shedding of old relationships as you move confidently towards your dreams. You may feel disconnected from family and friends as they try to understand the change in you. You may be called to move to another city or country. You may experience a strong desire to write a book or change careers.

It’s different for everyone. Be aware of the changes going on around you and listen to your intuition. What is it telling you? Be strong and trust yourself.

Here is an exercise to help you connect with your inner strength and support your highest potential.

Use your journal if you have one, or grab a piece of paper. Answer the first question to get a sense of how connected you feel in this moment and then spend as much time as you’d like exploring the remaining two questions.

1. On a scale of 1-10 how connected are you to your inner strength and highest potential?

2. How will it feel to be a 10?
Imagine that you are 100% connected. Really get into the feeling.

  • What are the words that describe this feeling of total connection?
  • What feelings come to mind when you place your focus on living your highest potential?

Your feelings are your guide posts. You’ll always know if you’re connected by how you feel.

3. How will you respond to the world around you when you’re a 10?
Here are some questions to help you get started.

  • What will you be doing?
  • In what ways does being completely connected change your life?
  • What does living your highest potential look like? Consider how it feels to be at 10 in all areas of your life, including financial, career, emotional, mental, social, relationship and spiritual.

Now that you’ve spent some time getting clear on how it feels to be fully connected, where are you on a scale from 1-10? You’ll likely find your assessment closer to 10 than when you began the exercise.

Perhaps you felt an energetic shift as you gained clarity. Maybe you feel lighter or more focused or had an aha moment.

With practice, your inner strength will grow and support the expression of your highest potential in magical ways.

What step will you take to connect with your inner strength this week? Please let me know by sharing in the comments below or head over to my Facebook page.

With love and gratitude,

    Pamela Henry is a certified law of attraction coach, bestselling co-author of Inspiration for a Woman's Soul: Cultivating Joy and Inspiration for a Woman's Soul: Opening to Gratitude and Grace, forthcoming author of the book and companion music album Your Time To Shine and a singer-songwriter. In her early music career she shared the stage with Jazz Violinist Stephane Grappelli, Petula Clark and others. In addition to performing in concert and on television and radio, she had a top five charted song in Europe.

    Pamela left her music aspirations behind to pursue a career in Interactive Media and Marketing. Coming full circle, she now shares her message of discovering your true self and shining your light, through the written word and song. As a law of attraction coach, she is passionate about helping you live the life you've always dreamed of.

    Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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    10 thoughts on “Inner Strength. How to Embrace Your Highest Potential

    1. This morning I tapped into my inner strength by running 2 miles, even though I didn’t feel like it. My ego was trying to convince me to have another cup of coffee. In all seriousness, when the world is doing its best to chip away at my resolve or commitment to “get it done,” I dip into my inner strength to see me through. xxoo

      • You inspire me Peggy! That second cup of coffee can be very enticing 🙂 So true, inner strength will see you through everything life throws your way, if you remember it’s there to support you. Thank you! xoxo

    2. Pamela – this is the perfect message for me today!! Especially the part about shedding relationships…that part is happening for me right now and it’s surprising lonely at times, yet I know it’s for the best. Energetically I know I’m headed in the right direction!

      • Yay! So happy this message reached you today Paula 🙂 I love that you know you’re on your authentic path. Shedding relationships certainly can be lonely. In my experience, shedding opens the door for beautiful like-minded beings to come into your life. All in divine time of course!! xoxo

    3. Yes, a thousand times YES, I feel connected to courage! I love your exercise on connecting to my inner strength to support my highest potential.

      Your words “Your inner strength is your rock in the stream. It’s that place inside where you stand in truth. This is where you’re unflappable and trust your intuition to bring you everything you need to know in any given situation. This includes the thoughts and words that are required to speak your truth” are true and powerful. Great post! 🙂