Take Back Your Power. Turn Your Powerful Intentions Into Reality

Take Back Your PowerPure Intention

~Pamela Henry

I set my intention
To be
The full expression
Of my Divine Self

In this moment
All is well
I close my eyes
And relax into the arms
Of All That Is

The essence of
Pure imagination
Guides me
To a space of calm
Allowance and

I am here
Exactly where I am meant to be

My infinite muse
This warm inviting presence
Of sparkling delight
Infuses the field
Spilling into an
Ever expanding pool
Of brilliant creation
And light.

Are you standing fully in your personal power?

Powerful IntentionsEach one of you has the magic within to create the life you want. However, with all the distractions of daily schedules, your energy can become scattered making it nearly impossible to focus on what it is that you really want.

When your energy is dispersed, it’s difficult to get clear on what you would like to experience. It’s through creating clear and deliberate intentions that you begin to take back your power and magnetize what you would like to show up in your reality.

It’s easy to go through the motions of day to day life without stopping to assess if you’re on your authentic path or not.

What does it mean to take back your power?

Taking back your power is about opening the lines of communication with your inner wisdom, claiming your life purpose and stepping into the life you are here to live. Really live. A life that feels on path in every area and invites you to be the contribution to yourself and others that you came here to be.

If you feel like you’re spinning your wheels or exhausted because your energy is dispersed in many different places, it may be time to get clear and set some powerful intentions.

Sound like a good place to start? It all begins with a yes and a deliberate intention to shift your energy into alignment with what you want.

5 Steps To Turn Your Powerful Intentions Into Reality

1. Say yes to you
Make a decision to create time in your daily schedule to get clear on the life you desire to create. This could mean getting up a few minutes earlier each morning, cutting back on television or asking for help with your daily activities. What are some other ways you could make time for yourself?

2. Call back your scattered energy
Begin using the time you created in step one to sit in stillness, also known as meditation. Calling back your scattered energy is simply bringing your focus back to your centre by releasing all the distractions of your daily schedule in favor of a calm inner environment. It may help to imagine placing your distractions in a beautiful big bubble and watch them drift away. Sit in stillness for a minimum of 5 minutes and as you feel ready, increase the amount of time from there.

3. Ask for clarity
What would you like to create? From your calm, meditative state you will begin to connect with your inner wisdom and gain clarity on your powerful intentions. After you release your distractions in step two, say to your higher self,

I desire to create a quantum shift in my life. Please help me get clear on setting my deliberate intentions and draw my ideal experiences to me now. Thank you.

You may receive an immediate response or answers may show in unexpected ways over the course of the next few days. They could show up through a conversation or article or something else.

4. Start a Success Journal
Setting deliberate intentions requires that you spend focused time articulating what those intentions are. Use your success journal to record any awareness or answers you receive during and after meditation. Write about your powerful intentions in detail and imagine what it will feel like when you have what you are asking for.

5. Release your intentions
Ask the Universe to deliver what you are asking for or something even better and then let go. Know that you are worthy of fully receiving what you are asking for and trust the Universe to deliver in Divine time.

If any limited beliefs pop up around not feeling worthy or good enough to receive your fulfilled intentions, imagine these beliefs as dissolving energy or put them in a beautiful bubble and allow them to float away. If you place your request from a place of worry, desperation or anxiety, it creates resistance which keeps you vibrationally separated from what you want. So, releasing attachment is key to receiving your fulfilled request. Relax and allow the Universe to deliver. All you have to do is pay attention and receive.

If you desire to create quantum growth in your life, it’s essential to reclaim your energy. Each step leads you towards your ideal life and it all begins with stillness and taking back your power.

How would taking back your power change your life? Please let me know by sharing in the comments below or head over to my Facebook page.

With love and gratitude,

    Pamela Henry is a certified law of attraction coach, bestselling co-author of Inspiration for a Woman's Soul: Cultivating Joy and Inspiration for a Woman's Soul: Opening to Gratitude and Grace, forthcoming author of the book and companion music album Your Time To Shine and a singer-songwriter. In her early music career she shared the stage with Jazz Violinist Stephane Grappelli, Petula Clark and others. In addition to performing in concert and on television and radio, she had a top five charted song in Europe.

    Pamela left her music aspirations behind to pursue a career in Interactive Media and Marketing. Coming full circle, she now shares her message of discovering your true self and shining your light, through the written word and song. As a law of attraction coach, she is passionate about helping you live the life you've always dreamed of.

    Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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    20 thoughts on “Take Back Your Power. Turn Your Powerful Intentions Into Reality

    1. I like the idea of a success journal. As women, I think we underestimate and discount all the amazing things we do. When I was keeping track of all my successes, I felt more contentment. Time to begin noting them again. Thanks!

    2. Pamela I am say “Yes to Life” and as I do life says yes to me. We leave our power in many places throughout the course of our lives. Calling our power back is key to a well balanced and joy filled life. Blissed Blessings to you!

    3. Awesome!!!! I love this post. I’m going to share it with my Twitter community. So many of our sisters struggle with claiming their power. I love what you are doing!!! @GoddessKerriLyn

    4. Love your 5 steps to turn your powerful intentions into reality! What beautiful poetry in the beginning of this blog, I felt like I was floating in on a gentle cloud. Many Blessings, Pamela! <3

      • Lisa, So happy you love the 5 steps! I find that creating steps helps me move from point A to B with more ease:) The poetry has been such a gift. I’m grateful that it touched you! <3

    5. Beautiful post Pamela about living an empowered life and turning your intentions into reality. I love all the suggestions and intend to start a success journal! Thank you so much!

    6. Thanks Pamela for reminding us of the importance of taking back our personal power and sharing some examples of how to do it. Since I began meditating daily 2.5 years ago I feel so much more centred, focused and grounded. Your statement about “know(ing) that you are worthy of fully receiving what you are asking for”, is so key I’ve found for myself and for the coaching clients I serve. … Love your poem on Inspiration!

      • Thank you for your comments Pamela. I’ve found the same thing. Knowing that you are worthy is key to claiming the life you desire. Meditation is essential to taking back your power and connecting with that knowing. So excited that you loved the poem! <3

    7. I love, love, love the idea of a success journal. How many times do we remember failures but can’t remember one success? Beautiful suggestion and a great article. Thank you! xoxo